Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Twinkle twinkle? I don’t know



I read q quote  that went something like this///

We have art ( I would change that to creativity) so we can survive reality.”  

I don’t know who said it or something close to it and it’s like a lot of things I write—certain parts of it have been written before in some order.  Why heck the other day I thought I should just write out an unabridged dictionary—then I would have written  every book that has been written or will ever be written.  Well sure, you would have to put the words in the right order and such, but that would give you some choices and isn’t that what life is about?  Oh I guess I’d have to  include some punctuation clues because  Have you eaten, Grandpa?  Well that’s different from  Have you eaten Grandpa?—especially ifin’ you’re Grandpa.  

Another  fuzzy quote I just gotta a hankerin’  for is...

It’s trims for me to respectfully disregard the impossible.—again I don’t know where I picked up some of that word gathering, yet I’m gong to use it with the unapologetic sneakiness of a poet.  

Alright...enough on that .... here is where. We are headed today.

I was feeling a bit  pre-inspired.  Oh you know. Not of what I speak?  Well  I get a bunch of energy built up that cries out for some words or a song and I sometimes need an object, a quote, a tune or a piece of sweet corn between my teeth to serve a s the tap to let something pour out.  Today I tried a few things and nothing really turned  my crank enough...until I though about wishing  I’d be inspired... and then what do wish upon?  Well we wish upon a star or stars right?  

HJere’s the problem.... it’s a long time till the time of night when stars other than the big bad sun are visible. To be wished upon although I’m sure if I could hear solar winds these stars would be saying ...”you wishes are very important  to us, please. Stay on the line  and the next available red dwarf or super nova will be with you shortly.”   However, upon further reflecting I remembered that the sparkle we  get inspired from left that star millions and millions of years ago... by the time it gets here it’s used sparkle at best.  In fact it the automotive equivalent of sparkle that’s on blocks in the side yard with Chester the nut passed out underneath.  

This sparkle is the past and well I’d say it is time to quit wishing  on changing the past in general.  Maybe if we think of the light from the start as something from the past offering a glimmer of today in the dark it works, but  as far as something that guides our present or future...hmmm I’m not sure.  

Some might use the stars as something to reach for...we get told to reach for the stars all the time right?  Maybe if the stars are a symbol of exploration that works for seeking peace and joy...otherwise maybe reach for a dictionary and starts carving away the words you don’t need.  Reach for the piano and listen for the song that’s sounded. By the tones and the silences in between, reach for  the paint and dip your fingers in... draw upon and with yourself.  Reach for the phone and recreate or create a friendship.  Then tonight when you see the stars you will be a star because you already created and  you are now just shining  down.  


Twinkle twinkle ...for now

1 comment:

  1. I just finished listening to a crazy story about a woman who turned a mental institution into a musical instrument, and pondered what you so succinctly wrote: "We have art so we can survive reality." Check this out: https://themoth.org/stories/the-magnificat
