Friday, May 27, 2022

Finding are ruby slippers

Time to Find Your Ruby Slippers?

It’s been a week since this town I now call home was (insert dramatic word for destruction) by a tornado.  Right up front I want to say thanks to all those who reached out to check on our welfare.  In fact, it is that “looking out” that comes into play later on in this entry.  

As do most things, the events of the last week prompted some thoughts about unexpected events that alter the lives of people and break up daily routines.  You see not every town gets hit by a tornado every week or year, or even  every half century.  Floods don’t wash out river fronts, hurricanes don’t come ashore, and the storm of the century doesn’t strike in all places all the time, however, I would bet real money that in nearly every life there is one or more than one event that abruptly shakes, or blows away the foundation of our belief systems, our family structure, our physical abilities etc…. And we wake up one day and we realize “we’re not in Kansas anymore.”  In these times we don’t all have the luxury of finding the yellow brick road right away and when we doit’s rarely a smooth straight road and we always run into a scarecrow who isn’t quite sure which way to direct us and some people who are very willing to tell us where to go are let’s say lacking in the brain department.   However, when we meet such folks it is good to remember that they can be brave and loyal traveling companions and fantastic dancers.  Oh and by working to solve some of the problems and emergencies of others you may just solve your biggest challenge by a strange twist to fate—or a bucket of water?   

Okay back to our local trip into Oz.   Over the past week there have been thousands of people reaching out to help our town and thousands of neighbors helping each other.  A lot of people are looking beyond their own little spaces and finding ways to make a difference.  this blog is not big enough to mention even a small fraction of the ways people have chosen to demonstrate the kind of love it takes to move forward.  It is, for example, incredibly fortunate that The Alpine Brick Exchange set up a space for kids to bone build things out of LEGO.  Why is this so significant?  Well….given that a lot of children have seen their homes, the places they go to eat, etc torn down and in a way that seems so out of control, they are being given a chance to use their imagination and time to build and create.  the county “mini-bus” system is offering free services to make up for some of the costs of getting around and the loss of vehicles and several hotels and motels are helping house those who no longer have a roof over their heads or floors under their feet.  There have been so many people around here who are proud of how their fellow human beings are stepping up and I’ve heard people say how hunch they are grateful to have this as their “home” town…. 

So… now for the slippers… You see in the Seeking Peace and Joy Universe we often feel like we are looking for that feeling of home and sometimes we all wish that. We could tap our own ruby slippers together and chant the magic words.  well….maybe we can Toto.  You see maybe we can do something everyday to show our neighbors they are appreciated.  Maybe we can give someone directions or be ready to dance with them or walk along on their challenging journey.  Maybe we can keep a bucket of water handy just in case someone is thirsty or a witch gets a little nasty and puts  a little fire in places where they cause dmage.  Maybe we can come along after the air has gone out of someone’s balloon or their hopes have been carried off.  And as you do for others… maybe you will find it is done for you.   So maybe in doing these things on a regular basis you are making it possible to find ruby slippers all around for you and for your neighbors and strangers who come into your land. 

To summarize.every life has a tornado, flood, earthquake, Tsunami etc…They sometimes are weather related and sometimes they are simply human tragedies.  We all have strange nonlinear journeys with complicated directions and solving the problems of others sometimes leads to the solutions to our own challenges.  Sometimes our wishes can be simple to grab expecially if we spend some time creating a world that feels like it is filled with the people we want to help and those who feel good about helping us…… 

In short, if you work at creating some peace and joy it might be easier to find even when you aren’t in Kansas anymore and when things don’t go as planned don’t be afraid to ask yourself in jest “what would I do with a brain if i had one?”  Then gather together your straw, get up, and start on the road again.  



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