Christmas By The Numbers 4
Okay.. On the unofficial 4th Day of Christmas.. its some blackbirds and if we were going by the chart-topping classic that would be a tree and one bird plus 2 birds plus three more which is six plus four and bam that’s 10 and we haven’t even scratched the six geese and seven swans which would be 23 and that’s a lot of feathers…. .so if your true love is saying you need a new pillow every so often ….well you are good… On the other bandits a couple days after the 25th… so we’re recovering from two significant days… Boxing Day which is the day when you are tired of all your family and the real fights break out… or maybe the day you box things back up and stand at the service counter and try to explain why you don’t have a receipt and that you can’t use bacon scented deodorant because it’s going to drive your German shepherd mad… or on the other hand you could be celebrating National candy cane day. Now we didn’t have a candy cane day at first, however once they added the red stripes and changed the shape from a straight stick to a “J”how could those “day calendar” people let that go? Now you might think it’s a little late in the ho ho holiday calendar for the cane but stop to think about it… Here it is a couple days after the real onslaught of chocolate and big Christmas dinners and there they are… You are thinking….”how long am I going to leave that tree in here?” Then you see one… or tow…or three hanging mints on the second to bottom branch and well your breath needs a boost and you don’t really want to open that new tooth paste that was in your stocking sobbing… it’s that candy cane to the rescue. Now it doesn’t matter if you aren’t rocking
Around the tree with the classic peppermint as you could be looking at Jolly rancher sour apple…and those beauties on your tree are only three to five inches or so—not to be mistaken with the world record holding six story (63) foot gagger that would require 17 days to suck into a point that might be useful in a prison fight. .
Okay .. let
S bring this around the bend in the cane shall we and talk about peace and joy?
Candy canes aren’t generally fancy and you aren’t generally going to sit and wonder who gave you them or did you give someone the right one… What is going to happen is you are going to open it… enjoy it a little… you are going to have a positive reminder of the last couple days.. and you are going to know that the rest of your day is going to be alright. So… maybe we should appreciate the little things in life that we can give each other…maybe we can hang around a bit after the presents have been unwrapped and provide a small bit of happiness, peace, and joy for one another without pressing expectations? Maybe we can know that even if we are broken a little we can still give someone a tiny boost? Maybe we don’t have to be the star or even one of the brightest lights on the tree…but we can still add something that might be remembered with a little smile….