Sunday, July 21, 2024

Life is Like an Exercise Bike


 Is Life  Just another Exercise Bike?

Here in one place well you’’re just setting

You may be  grinning spinning and sweating

Those knees keep pumping

So the numbers start jumping 

Exercise bike so it’s nowhere  you’re getting

The statistics  on what Americans spend on “health and fitness” each year are impressive if not staggering.  We pay out  over $1,800 a year so over the course of a fairly active 40 years let’s say,,, that’s 70 grand easy.  This household just put down 80 dollars for what was once a $600 exercise bike and it has lots of miles left in it.  Oh and it is one of those pieces of equipment that you can program to act like you are on a certain path or kind of trail so it simulates hills etc.  

Well that led to some interesting thoughts.  Is life like an exercise bike. Do we sit there  staring. At a screen wondering why we aren’t going anywhere  and even when we see  numbers on a screen telling us we have. Made progress does it really feel like we’ve moved from one spot in life to another?  

It does seem certain that we have put forth an effort and it. Takes a lot of determination and like most bike seats the world can be a pain in the backside.  Oh and there is sweat… we sweat the big stuff. We sweat the sort of important stuff and many times we sweat the small stuff too.  

It may seem like. We aren’t going anywhere because  no matter the effort we make there’s a good chance we might end up in the same place we started.  On the other hand  if we use some of the riding time to think about good friends, good memories, and ways to help each other when the next chance happens well then maybe we aren’t just going no place now are we?  Maybe we are clearing our minds and helping our body get better now and ready for choices  that are likely to come when tomorrow becomes today?  

So maybe.. when we ride the bike. Of life it allows us to reflect  and solidify the meaning of things  which means turning mistakes into lessons etc.   So in the endow may be the only person  who can tell if you are just sitting and spinning or actually going somewhere.  

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