Tuesday, August 20, 2024

AI Not


It’s all because the Sizzle and the Buzz

Every now and again it’s interesting to take a gander at the “National Day” calendar to see what’s being featured and/or “celebrated.  Today’s entries somehow seem fitting in a world climate that tends toward duality and polarity.  It is truly tempting to choose one of the topics and let that focus taint the whole day, however in the seeking Peace and Joy Universe, well, it frequently seems allowing for multiple perspectives and letting the balance  or the meaning to develop where it might.  So that leaves us with a buzz and a sizzle on our canvas—here goes.

“You’re Killin’ me “Smalls!”

Ask most any kid to tell you what the. Most deadly animal on the planet is and even. When the kid is somewhere between 2 and 92 you’re likely to be told “you’re. Gonna need a bigger boat” because those sharks are hungry and swimmers make a tasty snack or of course there’s lions and tigers and bears—oh my!  Oh and there are deadly snakes and those poison frogs.  Well like inflation and migrants we might need to fear those. Critters, however, the deadliest assassin swarms in at about 1.5 miles per hound does it work with just. A little buzz and a little sting  or bite.  We’re talking mosquito madness here.  To make it even more interesting, of course not all mosquitos carry deadly diseases and deposit them in your blood stream.  In fact, unless there are trans-mosquitos that dress up like butterflies and such it’s always ladies night at the blood bank as males live on nectar not A negative.  Not only do males miss. out on going vampire.. they miss out on a lot of life as they only live an average of 10 days while their female counterparts live a couple months or so unless you watch them gorge themself with your good and then clinch your fist pumping them to overflow and watch them explode as they exceed the three times their body weight that they can usually handle.  So life would be safer if you could identify the females easier, alas, with around 3,500 varieties and around 200 in the U.S. it’s hard to make. A solid ID So some poor boys are going to have to die even if they aren’t guilty.  

If you have lived in various parts of the country you will get to know that there are many mosquitos that are just tiny annoyances and leave little bumps and then in “river towns and swampy places” there are creatures that when mature might qualify as a “state bird.”  Unfortunately they are hard to avoid no matter where you live and many products a person might use to deter them are fairly toxic.  If you want a natural defender citrus (lemon) eucaliptus is probably your best shot according the AI generator consulted today.  But enough about being poisoned  to death let’s see the opposite side of the calendar….

Also if you want to get rid of a few mosquitos by using Mother Nature invite in a few bats.  They feast on about 3000 of them in a good night and speaking of feasts.. here’s the other. Item on the ledger. To balance the day…

It’s “bacon lover’s day!!!”  

Now here’s proof that AI will never outsmart humans.  TheAI generator asked if we needed suggestions on how to celebrate bacon?  Are you freakin’ kidding me?  Well you don’t dress it up in a tux or a flowing silk gown and take it to the prom or storm out on the field or dump Gatorade on the coach.  You don’t go out and buy a Hallmark card and slip a fiver in. It.  You don’t light. Candles on a cake for 6 preschoolers to spit at as they “make a wish.”  It’s simple… It’s bacon… you cook it to whatever level of of crisp you want it and you eat it, you put it on other things you’re going to eat and eat it.  You figure out how much  might be the right amount to eat and well of course add just a little more… it’s bacon!  

So just like. A lot of things in the universe we have to understand.   There is a balance of things.  You know I time to reap and a time to sew.  Time to play disco and a time to play real music… a time to kill (mosquitos) and a time to live in pure joy—eat some bacon and then some more bacon.  

Okay.. it. Is time to go see. What the fridge has with bacon on it so let’s wrap this up (in bacon) and experience a tasty little limerick.  

Hear that sizzle man senses awaken

Comes a joy that none have mistaken 

Oven baked— campfire fried 

Just can’t be denied

Every day’s better with bacon

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