Sunday, December 30, 2018

Moving Forward

 Looking back at a peaceful time is fine to recapture the moment but not to stay over longer    That can only make you wish for things that can never be again or perhaps had never been      There are people with you now who will reach forward and create new experiences in this moment and that’s pretty much what this little clip of music is about enjoy it  there are people with you now who will reach forward and create new experiences in this moment and that’s pretty much what this little clip of music is about enjoy it

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Keep a lot of surf boards

Unless you are very lucky or  destined to a life in someone else’s  boat then you are likely to be out there in a wide open ocean seeking the peace on the distant shore.     The problem is it’s hard to count the waves and it’s hard to tell   What power lies beneath    I think the path lies in learning to surf and having a lot of boards because some will get swept away

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The peace and joy in teaching a perspective

 If you are a mentor and or guiding someone I think there is some peace in recognizing when a student a colleague and friend learns what you have given as a gift knowledge however I think there is more joy when one can’t stand back and recognize that you have taught them little yet they now have madeIt possible and very clear that the learner must now pick up the tools and do the work for without the piece which is in the tools and the joy and the discovery mentoring cannot be complete

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Try nott to worship at the alter of “why?”

 The trouble with seeking peace and worshiping at the altar of the question why is that why has very  elusive borders .   A person may know why they did something and they may assume that is why certain behaviors or activities then follow.  

The  tricky part is that if we even believe we know why something happens that we can control it     I am wondering however if they need to control things is peaceful? Or brings much joy?

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Unlimited Minutes

So I bought this plan   With. Unlimited minutes.... there can be no peace or joy if you think you can buy minutes moments seconds let alone unlimited it’s a great marketing technique and sometimes we try to buy it by saying I’ll be happy when or things will be better if that’s the same thing as unlimited minutes no such thing I bought a phone that I can give to someone to say here call somebody because your minutes are limited find joy in what you share

Saturday, December 15, 2018

SelffHelp Book?

II. have been thinking we all seem to feel more peace and joy when we help each other... 

Why don’t we see “help each other books?”  

Friday, December 14, 2018

Take a look in the mirror

 OK this is a little musical number about mirrors the key here is to just sit back and listen the lyrics are below

 Across this half lit empty room on the wall there is a mirror will the image be distorted or help you see things clearer
 Will it show the light inside or just sell imperfections will it show where you have been or where to go in which direction

 If I could share one lesson just on your behalf I would take a glance in the mirror and just stand there and laugh

  No these are the exact lyrics however for now they will do

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Purpose verse

 This is just a little piece of the song I’m working on click enjoy or listen and think either way have a great day

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Morning Walk

 I get up in the morning... well I am usually up in the morning and it is  dark outside... and I am  fairly dark inside.  I find my  gloves and some form of. Light.  I am not so much expecting  to see much with the light, but hope to be seen if needed.  I have a route that I. Walk and while I am doing so I usually isten to a book or something... Sometimes. It is music if I feel like. Singing.  But it is early in the morning.  By the time I am. A quarter of the way to the walking path across the bridge I have pretty. Much. Forgotten the weather and am  focused on the information  going on. In my head.... and then something. Curious. Happens.  I lose focus on that. Too.....   and then. It is  just me and the  flickering of  traffic lights and. A few street lamps and the sidewalk and the grass by the sidewalk and the steps forward for a good long while.   I don’t think about. What the people in those cars are going to to do today and don’t  think they are worried about what I’m doing. Either.

So this happens for. About 500 hundred yards or 700 or 642 who knows?

Then I  turn around and. Go the other way. Up the path and   Suddenly the.things I had going. On in my. Head return  for a few. More minutes and then they disappear and I start feeling the weather again and the  steps toward the  bridge which is a  good distance away.  The thing about the bridge is that. The river  marks the edge  where I decide if the rest of the walk is filled with thinking of tasks. For the day our  is it a walk that just amblesa along till I decide I. Need to seek the path.back.  

The thing I know for certain is that I always stop at least for a moment and. Ask the river to  bring me the peace of a thousand years and I know. It is  available in that river and I just need to ask it to flow through. Me.

This. Is a healing. Part. Of my day and. Almost. Always carries. Peace. Alongside.  

So if seeking. Peace.. find a. Walking place... there is a  river or a tree or a park or a highway that  carries the healing. For you there.

Stop for a moment and  soak it in.

Monday, December 10, 2018

10 minutes of peace same bat time same bat channel

Today I talked with. One of the really good people on the planet. I comparing. This person with others?  I don’t. Really think I am.  He is. Someone who. Has walked in my shoes and. I probably. Am walking. A bit in his now.  Sometimes finding peace is letting someone. Else blaze. The path and. Supporting when. You can.  

anyway I felt some peace today and that. Was something. Really important for a day... and  life lasts for. A day. At a time.... if you take the long view.

The 10 minutes of peace was very important. Thank you.

Now why. The Bat Mobile?  Well because. When I believed in  the idea that everything  would be okay if I could just wait for the same bat time... life was simpler.    

The same. Bat. Time and the same bat. Place doesn’t really  ever come around... but the idea that   Something. Bad. Can turn around if we   Rumble with it is good... I believe... so. Until tomorrow..same bat time.. same. Bat. Channel

Keep seeking.

Sunday, December 9, 2018


So you are already late ...standing in line at your local larger than need be super store .    

Here is the joy seekers’  challenge .     Start thinking about one thing you could say to make the clerk. Smile.   You
 will find some joy and share some  quickly and often  

Friday, December 7, 2018

Another Musical bit

Press the button and listen I will add lyrics to this and other music later enjoy

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Anxiety and piece than misunderstood tight rope

Some of us have a stream of anxiety running through our spirit.   Seeking  peace often  means both slowing the and finding an external circumstance that creates a”flow”

Synchronized moments are awesome however not cookbook nor lasting at timesw

Encourage  and be patient because all streams within  our designed to have their own rhythm...and when those experiencing anxiety. Find the  stream the peace is magnificent  and the joy is brilliant.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Road to Peace has a Detour

 Well it is ppretty easy  to find. books and blogs about  revamping your life these days.  Change happens in life more often than it used to somore people  get to  revisit their purpose  more often.  Unfortunately  sometimes. people. hit Thierry. target just to find out that this was not what. they were aiming for in the first place.  So then  you aren’t where you want to be and. you are. left with the  shaky. feeling that you don’t either know what you wanted or how to get there.  

The likelihood. that both of these things is  true is. not very  high...however if it is... the success rate for working. on. both at the same time is probably. not too   super.   So seeking. peace probably  increases if. a. person   chosses to believe in. one  correct answer inside themselves.   You can believe in the passion behind. your purpose and  expand the  scope of activities or you can determine if this is really. your  passion at all..... 

Finding. either one of these things for   sure is very powerful and. worth the detours you may have to experience along the way.  So look for for signs and enjoy the adventure of the detours.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Well I know this is hard but  seeking joy can mean finding failure.   How? .. well not seeking will mean not finding  or experiencing peace and joy. 
So the master of peace is likely to taste bitterness Once or more.  

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Some Messages Come from Strange Places

So  a good friend of mine. Posted  something today about. How things change or can change in the blink of an  eye... and for me. It means that. Peace and joy. Happens in  moments and these moments drift by sometimes very quickly so we might learn to feel  the joy when it is upon us.  

Then I saw a post. That I had. Written and  it made  me think a moment and smile.  

SZo  I will share that here.  

Please  remember that I cherish. Your friendships. For all the. Priceless moments.  

My Post....

“I put a dollar in a change machine...nothing much changed... maybe it was out of order?”  

Or maybe I blinked and missed it?  

Thanks for all the moments!

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Greatest Thing Since...h

Sliced Bread?  Seeking peace and joy  is  a slippery slope if it  is a destination and not a present feeling.  For example, right this moment I  feel a sense of joy in creativity.  Will this be the greatest thing. I have. Ever created?... Well  why should that  be  a concern?  In  comparing the present to the. Greatest we. Diminish our joy and disturb our peace.  Does that mean we shouldn’t shoot for quality or improvement?  Of course it does not...because  our efforts are not only for us but for the service of others and we don’t really. Know where our pieces fit in the puzzles of others.

If you really want to  feel like you. Understand. Your. Accomplishments by a standard that is external well build yourself a liberal list and make it your own—not someone else’s .

Give this a try..

So before sliced  bread what was the standard for bread?—a loaf...and before that?...bread that was only  half-burned?

If that doersn’t work try a car or transportation in general.   Say “this is the greatest thing since a four-wheeled car... and work your  way back. Now this is the greatest thing since the car that you had to get out of  to crank. Start and before that  this was the greatest thing since the horse?

Anyway when you come upon something that  you feel okay about....try not to describe it in a comparison way.. Don’t  steal its joy.

This. Has been joyful writing for. Me... maybe  I’ll  go have some toast.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Second Most important Question

I can’t  or I won’t  shoot for. Number one on anyone else’s list... but  I heard  something. On “optimal Living Daily” a podcast  that reads blogs and it struck me as a big factor in seeking  joy.  It is the quest to find. Something inside you that is your  particular gift to others.  Seeking. Joy or maybe even peace is  seeking what is unique about you that  assists. Others in finding their “better angels” so to speak.  You as a person  do not have to reach the promised Land.. . but if you. Can dig inside. And find. A way to be the bridge for someone... well there is much joy in that ... and seeking it for many people  helps. One. To focus on your strengths and that often leads to peace rather than the struggle to  root around in your flaws trying to make. Yourself better.  Most of the time something about. You is already. Just what. Someone else needs right now and is  worth seeking after and sharing.

 So “how can I uniquely serve someone else is a very important question... what is the most important question... that comes later.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Joy of first Steps

 Don’t hurry to the end.  Sure have a goal or at least a first  stop to look for or a compass direction....and then start.  Peace can come from beginning and  approaching the journey you are now on.  The joy in the first step is not however from moving you closer to the end.. but in the fact that you now  have a. Whole new set of  options that you just couldn’t see from the step before.  

What if the first step is a mistake??  Well ... is it really  worse than the Mistake of not SEEKING JOY. or PEACE? 
Well.... only you can  know that...because. These things you will do are your lessons and your treasures.... others will be happy to share pieces of them.

enjoy. A first. Step and take a look around to see what. Is now  around you.  

And  tomorrow. Try again...

Peace and Joy are not at the end of the Path... they are the path... well maybe.. see for yourself   LOL

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Perfection Deception g


It seems harsh to call  something so much sought after the worst... but  let’s  take a mindful look and then  give some heed to the notion.

So often we set a goal and it is perfection.  What. Does. That mean?  Well  first it means  we  want to reach some ultimate  goal, It means  we are going to see ourselves in a constant state of inadequacy.   So often we forget. To enjoy our improvement....

What is probably even tougher  is keeping the notion of what would be perfect internal.  So  we let  our ego set  our standard according to someone else’s  imaginary standard or our perception of that.  In short  we are  losing peace and joy by chasing ghosts.

Learn lessons to help you feel inner. Peace and express outer joy... that’s about as perfect as it can get...

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Limited Power Of Trying Harder

So here’s a thing  to consider....


Seriously, people try  more often, sooner, later, faster, slower, etc., but this is not  always “harder” in fact  it’s often easier... and more importantly differently.

The  key to seeking peace and joy is not trying harder to reach  a goal that may  or may not  bring joy.  The key is. Honoring the dcuriousity and  the need to fail.

What joy or peace can come from. Failure...sure because with failure comes a lesson.

In the. End  learning  can bring the peace. Of knowing the experimental  process. You use will get.  You somewhere   You were seeking  and that can be a peaceful place.  The  reaching. Of a goal can  help you build. The processes that work and help you understand that  living in the processes of your life can. Be joyful.  And so. In the end stop  trying harder...    try differently and seek  joy in failure and peace. On the path to learning a new process. O

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Avoiding Rumors

The thing about rumors is that they can never  be recaptured  once you let them go.  Therefore, they run through the universe  just like  Thing 1  and Thing 2  from  the Catt in the Hat .   They  pay no attention  to intent.  They  carry  no attribution  to their  “owner” and they completely ignore any boundaries..  They attach themselves to  people  both innocent and guilty  of  misusing facts to construct  possible stories that contain facts but not  truth.  

In short there is no  peace in the  message of a rumor

In so many ways rumors  are like  verbal acid.  Once you spill  one you can  not stop the damage no matter  how many  times you  may attempt to stop  it or regain control.  They  burn  through the fabric of  peace —there goes  the  peace of all  who get touched  in any ways  by the web of all rumors. 

I am caught  in the web of  rumors  that may  cost my family a good deal.. I forgive you who started it  and will work  on the same for those  repeating  ... 

So .... back to  how one seeks peace... 


If someroner presents  one to you by saying “you know what I heard” .... Politely  shake your  head and simply say... No.and  if you only  heard it  I don’t  need to know it.... you will then protect the peace you are seeking.   

Those seeking peace have a responsibility  to fellow seekers... so please  do so and I shall do the same.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

these things usually End Badly

 Well let’s face it you don’t usually seek peace and joy when you already have it —

 At least for me when I start seeking it usually comes at a time when I have really messed something up.   Sure I have 47 ideas  just how I did that.  It could be that I’m being  over self-critical right then but  you have  to be to find the lessons on your journey.

So the point is...

Don’t wait - start seeking routinely  so you know your favorite  seeking tools.

One of my favorite  peace  seeking tools is  listening to audio books...
Joy.. usually  has to come later.  Tomorrow is THANKSGIVING  and I’ll add some more to peace seeking. Yep

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Why peace and joy and why 8? Well

 Well mostly because with peace it means that there is some acceptance.   With joy it most likely means there is some wisdom, satisfaction, and some sharing, however,  you will define joy for yourself.     As far as the eight?  That serves as my reminder or indicator.  The indicator—  It is often said that a successful journey happens when you have failed seven times and still rise for an eighth try. The eight on its side also  stands. For infinity for what that is worth.. 

 The writing, the quotes, the stuff that is found here will be signposts and warnings and blessings.   
 Hopefully they will  be things along my path that somehow I think belong in your path too so seek some peace and joy— rise  for the eighth time!