G is for ...
Most “self-help” books will tell you. That you are carrying too much garbage around both material and spiritual. It seems. That some some “garbage is essential for seeking peace and joy, however keep it in the “junk drawer.” Identify it as something that isn’t useful right now and needs to be placed aside so that it might be used later. Eventually, you can learn whether or not you will find a lesson in the junk or use the meanings left over from pieces of experiences to build new meanings and wisdom. Be aware that some garbage will need to be set aside for good at some point.
to sum up...we will all have some garbage. Some will be ours and some will be thrown out of someone else’s moving car/life and land in your yard. If you can put it in the junk drawer because it might have a lesson left in it save it.a while and if not put it in the burn pile and light it up.
Ghost Noun
Some spirits seem to stick with us....some carry with them peace and joy as the memories around them often create a smile. I have been blessed with some of the best ghosts ever. Now not all memories are happy and these haunt me and others. Like in those paranormal shows, seeking peace and joy works well if we can identify the ghost and have it move on.
Another thought that comes to mind here is that sometimes we (as in I) wind up wandering around not quite living a full life and not quite showing up for others. So in a very real way I become the ghost in my own reality and in the lives of others The times we.experience that are the most scary I’d say —written on Halloween. 2020
Grape Nuts
Noun....I think
There are a lot of times when a person is seeking peace and joy and the universe will present grape nuts. What? You see there is this cereal called grape nuts. I’ve seen this breakfast item and have never been able to find a grape or a nut in it. I’ve seen grapes and I’ve seen nuts and this name leaves me puzzled. Maybe it is supposed to taste like the combination...however if you are going. To make something taste like random objects of food why not make Kelloggs Steak-beer flakes or General Mills Banana Bunches of chocolate chips? On the other hand you have to say “good work” to the team who came up with something unique and said “herew’s what we’ll call it.” It sparks some curiousity. And deserves credit for that. After all who looks for what’s inside “Post-Dry flat grain with bits of dried. Fruit?”
So to summarize... not all names fully define wht’s inside...which is important to remember because that applies to “Republivcan” and “Democrat” too. Also, if you create something be proud and name it something that you like. You don’t have to ask the world.
Greasy Dog Vomit—
When you woke up this morning did you expect to be reading about greasy dog vomit? No me neither, however it fits in this dictionary for two reasons. While I am writing this entry our family pet has decided to provide the greasy dog vomit pop quiz. Yep... one can. Think they are patient and think they have gotten the dog to obey and the next few hours will all go as planned..... however. Man plans and God. Laughs so I’m cleaning up a very unexpected mess. Now is this. My fault...I don’t think it the dog’s fault?....I don’t think so... Is it the. Faulty of exercise and diet for the pup?...that’s pretty hard to say...
Now I have never had to clean up a pile of greasy dog vomit of this magnitude and so I had to improvise and experiment. I’m still going to have to do a little detailing, and yet a fair solution presented itself and now I have applied the method needed to go forward. ...Seeking Peace and joy is the process of finding new meanings in all situations and considering how they fit with a purpose. If determining. A great way to clean up greasy dog vomit is an unexpected adventure and if there are lessons to be had then. Bring it on...or the case may be.
Epilogue ...
Readers may wonder. Why “gratitude” wasn’t included.... well everyone know that it is marvelous to be given and to grow gifts and. That many thanks are. In order...A lot of people get unstuck in life by being aware of the things that are full of grace in this universe...
On the other hand the chance to ponder grape nuts and greasy dog vomit all in one day only comes on a full moon that is Hallloween and the night we turn. The clocks back—so be grateful and understanding if you will.
Next up—we’ll be happy hollering about Hills and H O P on board the H train tomorrow.