Saturday, October 24, 2020

The seeking peace and joy dictionary C





Caring is, of course, another one of those gerunds .  You know an action word taking the role of a noun.  Caring is the first step in so many  efforts to seek peace and joy.  In order to think about  moving or changing from where one is caring must come first.  The lucky thing is  caring can be for oneself or for someone else  and it still becomes a step in the right direction and it doesn’t have to be a this or that or zero sum thing.  You seer caring. Of any sort is the  enemy of apathy.  If twe had a big box of “emotional lego” it would be great to have a lot of blocks labeled caring in it.  The cool part about caring is that caring shared is often caring  returned so much like negative  emotions and actions caring  often creates a chain reaction of caring.  On the other hand when  seeking peace and joy we often think that peace is an exercise in avoiding  conflict.  In order to avoid  conflict we  (as in I) will sometimes resort to saying I don’t care about one thing or another.  However, the thing is if I really didn’t care there would be no conflict to begin with so if you don’t care you usually are completely unaware of something.  for example I don’t care about  the average  length of time. It takes for 19 people to brush their teeth.  Now that I’m thinking about that. I saw a commercial  for a Bluetooth. Equipped. Toothbrush.  No connect this. With your  smart phone and it tracks your  brushing .  Now I’m not sure this  is necessary or  even advisable as  it means we probably will have our phone near the sink and toilet and most phones can’t swim.  

This entry could go on forever—which true caring can do when it is passed along, however, there’s a lot more of the alphabet to  traverse so  we’ll wrap this up with a mantra  we can use in seeking. Peace and joy and using caring to do so.  

Become Aware—Dare to Care—Share Here and there and everywhere.


We live in a world where  we have realized the power of connection for our machines (see above  to notice your toothbrush may be connected to  your iPhone and tell it you need more Colgate soon.). Your insurance company is probably connected to your pharmacy which is connected to  your doctor who is connected with  big pharma and they are connected to your congress person’s wallet.   This brings me  to a short humorous interlude.  

A robber  approaches a man is a suit in Washington D.C.   The thief  says to the  well-dressed  man...”Give me  all your money.”  The  “victim” says ..... “IHow dare you  rob me...I’m  a member of congress.”   The robber  tilts his head and replies...”In that. Case give me all my money.”    anyway back to connection.

Seeking Peace and Joy almost always  means engaging in change and this is rarely  a solo activity (see the butterfly effect).  In other words in order for change to happen or for anyone to  pursue. A purpose that reflects. One’s beliefs it takes the efforts of more than one person.  so  after connecting with. Your gifts and their uses , the next step is finding others who share  those. Beliefs or similar purposes.  the thing to note about connection is that  it is not likely  that any one person will connect with any other person on everything at all levels because  if that were the case there would be some cloning going on.  the important. Point. Here is that we can  connect with a lot of people on one level and a few people on many. Levels.  Like caring—connection is a sharing of energy and you will use some every time you connect with someone and you are likely to get some back.  Like caring the energy flow is not an exact. Science.  The exchange rate  fluctuates. Like the  price of books on Amazon.  

Social media is  a “connections cafeteria where you can pick and choose a lot of things like how many connections you will  make, the strength of those connections etc.  You can find out how and where your comfort  zone works and experience the with it a bit.  While  social media can be a learning lab, it is probably worth noting that. The people you connect with are called different things on social media and  these labels matter.  Some of my good friends and some of my best friends are on facebook and  facebook calls some of the others friends where  I would. Call them “people I’d accept  free beer from” if they had such a category.  LinkedIn  calls people. “Connections,” however, infers these folks are “professional” connections.  Well I won’t share  quotes from the Buddha  or Carlin with some of those folks so I’d rather stick with friends.  Now Twitter.... calls your. “Connections” followers....Followers?  Really?  Sometimes. It seems. Like this is an invitation  for “I hope you like me” behavior.  that seems to put the  personal responsibility  of seeking peace and joy in the hands of  someone else and rewards on this platform seem to be all about  image and ego rather than real sharing... Shouting not sharing .  

There will be more about connection in the “networking”. Entry.


This is a noun.  Crayons usually C R A Y O L A  BRANDare a set of tools that are underused by most adults.  You ever notice that. Drawings  done in crayon are very expressive  yet simple.  Often when I am reading something long and complex I. Wonder what this. Would look like if we had a rule that all official. Correspondence and contracts had to be  written in crayon?  First of all it might be more fun to fill out insurance forms in aquamarine or sky blue.  Of course  you might have just as much fun filling out medical history in pink or  sunflower —if you. Had access to the 64 oak with the sharpener  built in the box.  D. Of course the world.would be just fine with only the  jumbo sized eight  color box.  The thinks about thinking about peace. And joy in te3rms of. Crayons is that  not every color. Has to be our favorite and still we don’t  discount the value of. A color and don’t get  all bent out of shape if someone likes fubrick red  a little more than purple.  Imagine if politics were a box of crayons..... maybe it would be okay if we had more than two and tried to convince  everyone  that it was okay rather than to force all kids to pick one color and draw the world  in that color.  Oh and imagine that we don’t have. To judge crayons. By their color... we don’t have to assume  lime green  ones are lazy and orange ones are better at doing math.... 

So to sum up... seeking peace is made easier by thinking in terms of crayons.  You can find a lot of ways to explore creativity.  You don’t have to judge people for making other choices.  They encourage you to keep simple things simple.  Everyone can have their own box, yet they are relatively easy to share.  


Creativity is a noun.... It is the process of  viewing and  building something  in a new or inventive way.  It is the reframing and representing  ideas in a way that is inspiring to the creator and to the audience even if it’s an audience of  aone.  Creativity is  part of the experimenting actins are  necessary for hope and change.  One of the tricky parts about creativity is. The act of experiencing someone else’s  creativity.  We may truly not like what someone is creating and yet we have the choice to shut others down  and discourage them from creating or. We can encourage the  creative process without  connecting with the producgt.  for example, opera  singers show and refle3ct a great deal of musical creativity and I admire it.  On the other hand I’d rather listen to a cat getting sucked into a vacuum cleaner for an hour than listen  to opera for more than 10 seconds.  

In short, creativity is at the heart of change and seeking peace and joy  means changing experiences and the ways we view and think about them.  Exploring  the creative efforts of others and. Doing creative stuff on our own is a springboard  in the process of  seeking peace and  joy... In fact  I’ve often thought  that instead of  “seeking” peace and joy. This blog should have been called. “Creating  Peace and Joy because  peace and joy is something. We work at  creating not something we hunt down.....

Well ... there are countless  more  “C” words that might be highlighted and yet I’ve “c”o sun Ed  enough of your time and attention for one sitting... so I’ll be. “D”—lighted  to  be back next time  with  the Divine. Letter. D

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