Friday, October 30, 2020

The Peace and Joy Dictionary F


F if for ...


Facts is a noun.  

Seeking peace and joy is a strange mix of seeking  facts and making meanings.  In our world today we often encounter a lot of facts presented in meanings that may not match ours and the result is  at best muddy and at worst offensive.  the trouble really comes when facts are used to create or become part of fallacies.  For  example:

All dogs have four legs.

All horses have four legs.

all dogs have a tail so if all horses have a tail they are going to take away your Medicare because, of course, dogs don’t have Medicare.  

Seriously it is important  to learn facts and see the universe as it presents  itself and then to be FLEXIBLE (another F word).  It is worth an effort not to only seek facts that already fit the narrative  or arguments we prefer as throwing away facts is the same as throwing  away possible solutions and ideas.  If you happen to run across a fact that doesn’t fit your story treat it like a hypothesis and test it out in several experiments and if it  holds up then  maybe your narrative needs to shift and you eventually will get comfortable with  revising the meanings you find and “peaceful transfers of power” will happen without  feeling anxious or uncertain.  

Fear. A Big Nasty Noun

This blog has  spent a lot of words on fear so the dictionary would refer you to  those earlier posts and sum them up by saying.  Seeking peace and joy is  fundamentally. A process of turning fear into curious adventure seeking.  Fear allows and encourages us to  remain uncertain, anxious, and to develop thoughts about possible  futures that are not peaceful or full of joy and it should be noted  NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!  there are things that can tear at your soul and hurt. Your body and your  body and soul will warn you about them even if you do not go through your day afraid.  One of the things that is most important to remember is that people who seek influence over you often use fear to  do so.  They tell you that you should be afraid of this or that and then they promise the solution or promise. That someone  else will cause the fear to become. Reality.  In short the are selling fear.  Beware  of those who sell fear as they rarely provide. A great deal  of light on the journey of seeking. Peace and joy.  On the other hand when you  come  upon someone frozen from fear be gentle and be part of the team that helps  them lay some fear aside.  Be part of someone else’s adventure and watch fear run away.


A Noun

This will be a short entry  as a later blog will talk about it extensively —probably  right around thanksgiving— 

To sum it up quickly... forgiveness is a learned skill and  fits clearly in the “do unto others” pile of tools to use when seeking peace and joy.  Grudges are heavy and  like the saying goes holding on to a grudge is often like drinking poison. And waiting for the. Person being resented to get sick.  Forgiving. Others and yourself once you have learned the an experience allows you to lay the heavy part down and carry the  light and wonderful parts forward.  People make  mistakes  and not forgiving  them is one  we (as in I) make all too often.

Fred Flinstone

Noun—Cartoon character

Seeking peace and joy is sometimes a process in realizing that we  have been channeling our inner Fred Flinstone.  Fred  sought  out the finer things in life and ways to get rich and very often  was oblivious  to the riches he already had in a good family  and great friend.  In most episodes Fred. Learned and changed. His ways in the end which is something we also could learn from.  Another thing we could learn from Fred is that  moving forward often  requires having your feet on the ground and pushing ahead.  Of course it would help is we had a car that rolled. If we just pushed with our feet and many very happy children still do...maybe there’s something to that?  Fred also teaches us that having one activity that we really enjoy can  help us find joy in everyday life.  For Fred this. Was  bowling and we all can find “bowling” for us if we are willing to stay curious  and experiment.  Learn from the Flinstone philosophy.

Well the will  

Yabadabba  do  it for today

G. I wonder what the letter will be. Next?

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