Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday commentary or just dust in the wind?


When I was young and my heart was an open book...oh wait this isn’t  a musical. Entry...well not really.  Today is Ash Wednesday.  Now as a rule.I keep my religion out of these posts although my spirituality  is usually on fairly open display.  Having said this my excellent boyhood  education is the fruit of  the Catholic services of the Sisters of Perpetual Punishment and excellence in Education.  seriously ... along with doctrine I was taught how to learn, what it felt like to exercise enough patience and effort to gradually understand  science, mathematics, and to a lesser extent the humanities.  I also learned a thing or two about human nature and social justice...oh and community—so thanks for all that...but let’s get back to Ash Wednesday.

Now  of all the parables and prayers offered  by Jesus and his ancestors or apostles you won’ find anything about ashes.... There is however the notion that we come from dust and to dust we shall return.  ...Now back to when I was younger..

There were countless times when I was being told—“wipe that dirt off your face—and other parts”. Yet here is a church event that puts dirt on... I remember thinking “wow this is strange..every other day I’m supposed to make sure I washed  things off but today I’m supposed to keep this dirt on... I could go on and on about how rules of the church create some inconsistencies and even this ashes thing didn’t start until about  1100 C.E. (Well is was A.D. then)

Okay when I was a kid I seem to remember ashes being given to remind people. That they were only here for a while and that their body would be returning to dust.  This was a reminder that we shouldn’t seek out the glory of bodily and worldly things.  It was awake up call for people to pay attention to matters of t spirit and to back off on the superficial stuff.  Now that’s a  purpose I can go for.  

First, to remember  that most material things including this frigid weather are temporary.  Also that without the cognitive spiritual substance—your soul—you are pretty much the stuff that winds up  near the curb after a dry hot summer week in the Midwest.  (Do you feel warmer  yet?—

It’s  (in my view—saying since it’s temporary  pay attention to it right now because these current circumstances are a limited time offer.   It’s time to cexperiment enough to recognize your gifts, grow them, and share them.  

Okay that’s what the ashes mean to me..

Now..back to the top..maybe this has to be a music post after all...

Here are some lyrics I’ve been working on to kick off this lent or transition  to Spring.

Be humblethere’s no worldly  need for  your cape and mask

Just use your gifts and help those who struggle with their task

Where there are people thirsty  pass around your flask

Don’t shout “hey look how saintly I’ve become” that’s not too much. To ask

Don’t wonder. What’s the most you’ll get  for the least that you must do?

Don’t  fret  about where  they’ll put  the big bronze bust of you

Set aside who must be blamed  so that solutions  are discussed

Pay attention give  your gifts with joy till all tha’t left is dust

Now .. go wash that dirt off your face...oh buff not  “that” dirt... 

Stay Warm.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great post! I especially loved the poem. However, would it read better if you dropped the words "of you" from this line? Don’t fret about where they’ll put the big bronze bust of you. . . To

    Set aside who must be blamed so that solutions are discussed
