Thursday, May 6, 2021

How to let it slide and other lessons from Crapo Park


So there I was at the top of the slide -not just any slide the double slide at Crapo.... and since it had rained earlier the double-humped speed demon was not quite blazing.  That being the case it called for an empty Sterzing’s bag as a rocket booster.  Three, two, one—go!

The speed was magnificent, the thrill was complete and in seconds I was picking myself up out of the small puddle  at the bottom of the slide and ready to climb the steps for another take off.  And that my friends was the memory  that floated  through my mind  on my trip through the park recently.  I remembered the roller skating rink, the put put golf course, the various routes I logged hundreds of bicycle miles over and a slow roll through the centenary brought back other  ghosts.  But that trip down the slide... that’s where the lesson was... There was joy in letting go.  There may be a bit of discomfort at the end, but that didn’t spoil the trip.  There was an acceptance that the emotion of the slide would be temporary and there would be more climbing of steps soon, however in the moment when the air zipped. Past me there was no concern for the work and waiting to follow, there was only the moment of the slide and the bumps in the deal were anticipated so they were enjoyed.  Somehow I wish I would have known then what was to be learned.  

After all in seeking peace and joy won’t there always need to be some letting go?  Why  in life do we get upset when we have to pick ourselves up and start  again?  Isn’t the case that we so often must  take step after step to almost reach peace and joy and yet we need to let go of something to actually make it happen?  

Oh and like at the park there are many types of  slides.  We have all started straight down. A path and found it to be a curly-Q  journey where we can’t tell exactly where we are or where we might be next.  Then of course there  are other things in the park like the teeter-totter  where we try to keep moving and maintain some balance—sounds like life again—right?  Let’s not get started on the “monkey bars” where often  we bang our heads on iron bars trying to get to the top and then fall bruising ourself and knocking others down as we crash  into the ground.   Of course, let’s not forget the Merry-go-round all that needs to be said is  “automated customer service call?” 

Maybe the most important lesson  gained from my trip  back through the park was  the people  I had spent while making that trip.  Most of us were care-free and ready to let it slide down the slides and willing to wait our turn and were willing to share the secrets of going faster.  

My most recent  trip to the park was very meaningful as a reminder that life has lessons all the time if we are willing to be open.  

Well ... that was another part of my recent trip revisited... A couple more entries  are still on tap... 

If you ever get to Burlington take your kids to the park.  The slides  may not be the same... but your lessons await.... and make sure you find the spot where the guns are pointed at Illinois  just waiting to be brought to life in case the Gulfport Commies go on a rampage.  

Anyway more about the trip  coming soon.

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