Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Solving the supply chain issues



A teaser for the evening or late news came across the TV while I was waiting for Jeopardy.  It came in the form of a question and since  I generally like questions, I thought I’d provide my 3 cents worth.  What  I included get two cents worth?  No… I have a coupon and a credit card so I can have up to seven cents worth and have up to 60 months to pay with no cents down…. And speaking of no sense (you see that command  of the English language that has words that sound the same, don’t mean the same and are spelled  differently?)—Let’s examine  the following question together within the context of my biased  opinion shall we?

The teaser asked….

“Will supply chain  issues wreck your Christmas?”

Where to start?  Well I have a big finish, but a story  rarely starts it’s the end…so let’s start with the idea of a “SUPPLY CHAIN.”

I wish I had been in the meeting where the crooks from  big capital came up with  this brilliant reframe and told the marketing  folks to start pushing it.  Let’s wrestle with the  question of invented the supply chain concept  and the reframe that somehow made it a national problem.  

Okay. The other day a visitor  came over and asked  if I had a soda?  I replied  “look in the fridge.”  I knew  there weren’t any drinks in the fridge and that having raised the expectation. That something might be delivered  but wouldn’t be,  I also knew the soda seeker would  get even thirstier and I was willing to  take the risk that I could make the supply chain responsible and perhaps  even get more appreciation at a time when I delivered the drink later.  So the visitor  said “there’s none in here”. I said  “oh the local store  where I get it didn’t have it on sale so I haven’t kept a bunch on hand” (sounds like a supply chain issue? Or did  I really want to deflect. The fact that i sometimes ignore the needs of visitors?  In short, let’s move this to all kinds of products  we might be trying to buy and use.  

How long ago did Walmart start “super” warehousing  things in order to control supply chains for products in their. Local  markets?  Supply chains are no more than planned  use of resources to create products. To sell.  When  inventory and those who had to be relied upon to create it  got a little more power than big capital wanted we started to see the mass implementation of “Just in Time…”. Everything.  Now we have just in time inventory, just in time labor, just in time food  as you can get it in 30 minutes or less or just drive through.  World wide products can be delivered. To you in 48 hours if you don’t ask for something suffering from  company decision  makers who wouldn’t pay labor, wouldn’t store materials in any form other than “ready to ship and sale” etc… The supply chain is a fictional entity designed and promoted by greedy people who make mistakes about  what we value asssuming everyone should value what they value when they want us to value it.  Then  it gets worse… who works  in the supply chain?  It’s not the CEO or the Director of Marketing.  The supply  chain is the people who turn raw materials into stuff to buy, put it in a truck driven buy people who brave roads we undervalue and hand to workers who put it on shelves in the early morning.  Then sometimes customers put  this supply chain in a cart and roll it to a lane where they complain  about the price of it and expect to be treated like royalty when they take it home, discover it does’t meet their every need and bring it back to a store.  In that store they take it to a cashier who didn’t talk them into buying the thing in the first place and begin complaining about it and the store where thy bought. It.  After enough  of this a lot of folks start to shoot for “just barely good enough.”  So now  the reframing of “supply chain” or just in time problems created by capitalists who don’t care about people who are only labor costs for the most part anyway. And disappoint them often enough that “just barely good enough” becomes a desired  or at worst acceptable outcome.  

So… let’s summarize this part. And then move on.  

Supply Chain  Issues are Bullshit concepts sold by greedy folks who weren’t  smart enough to guess  what just in time  would mean.  Now these same lovelies  are trying to pass the blame down the line to folks who had nothing to do with these creepy decisions in the beginning.  So let’s call this what it is “inventory mistakes, undervaluing labor that produces and makes ready the product, and now let’s go forth to what I consider. The worst  sin of all…. 


Oh wait my supply chain of time  is experiencing unanticipated delays. Right now.  I’m not sure I can write enough or  quickly given the state of the world so hopefully  I didn’t  ruin your  reading experience… after all your attention is very  important to us.  You can either sit by your computer or phone until I finish  this tomorrow or you can get assistance from my extensive  list of frequently asked questions at  www.I don’

The “supply Chain Christmas Story…. Comes tomorrow or in less time f you subscribe to  ThisWriter’srants Prime

1 comment:

  1. I've read all your posts and believe this is the first one you've used a curse word. More! More! More!
