Learning to Read and Reading to Learn
Just a few minutes ago aconcept came into my awareness. You have to learn to read before you can read to learn. In turn, that means someone has to learn how to teach you to read and maybe someone has to teach you how to read to learn. Now that means someone had to learn how to teach you to read to learn and someone had to read about learning to teach you how to read to learn and you could choose to learn how someone teaches. Others to learn or read in order read to learn. Confused yet? So which comes first?—the learning or the reading? Neither I suspect… maybe it’s the wanting to understand what others think and say and wanting people to say what they think so we all can think about what others say? Oh so.. does that mean we all learn more if we answer some questions and question some answers? …and
If we learn lessons do we pass them along? Do we do this often enough? It seems in the seeking peace and joy universe it’s important to do so… and there’s this song I wrote a few years back, however when I was thinking about all the ideas above, I couldn’t remember if I have really ever shared the lyrics to that song and somehow right now seemed like a good time to pass these lessons along. So Here we are
I’ve learned great lessons from professors and books
Graceful half-drunken women and burned out fry cooks
I thought it was time that I passed them along
So I sat up one night and I wrote down this song….here it goes
The wiser i get the more that I’ve found
Your body just carries your spirit around
And there’s a new circus around every turn
The best thing to do is pay attention and learn
And pass all these lessons to the next passer by
Try to enjoy life and understand why
But if why eludes you don’t wallow in frets
Don’t let your butterfly wings get weighed dow with regrets
(Chorus so of)
And breathe and stretch and dance your own dance
And laugh and smile when life gives you the chance
You’ll rarely finish but you’ll often restart
Take your brain with you but follow your heart
And don’t compromise on the things you might change
Understand.normal but celebrate strange
Don’t chase the chaos nor worship control
But run it full throttle when you’re on a roll
I’ve heard sermons in bar roooms and in churches learned shoulds
But some of the best prayers I’ve ever heard were whispered in woods
And don’t be afraid to believe in forever
But be careful with words like always and never
Don’t shake your fist in the mirror when your patience wears thin
Every dream has its time don’t let apathy win
You will try to help many but you can’t walk in their place
You can’t battle their demons especially ones they won’t faceThese are my lessons nearly all that I know
And if you learn half of these well you’ll find your glow
And Once you fink this well you will go far
To sum it all up…you’ll become who you are
And you will have learned how to chorus.. Anyway I’ve asked you read enough today and hope it was to learn… I’ve learned just buy thinking about it… Peace.