Thursday, December 5, 2019

Quit teaching health in schools and teach a Peace And Joy please


So yesterday I dropped a podcast about coming to terms with  medical appointments and how to approach them.  The basic point of the  podcast was that “this is my body....I need the medical  folks to see me as a person.  I need to set some expectations  for them one of which is that. We are all human beings and are working  together.   I’m going to go out on a limb here and request that you listen to the podcast after reading the rest of the  post. Below... I would love it if you could subscribe to it to but that would be a shameless plug...okay I’m begging you tho subscribe and I’m ashamed so it’s no longer shameless right?  

The second link is to a video of Dan Siegel who wrote a book about the  Brain/Mind/Body connection and promotes the idea that healthy people have an understanding of how these relationships and relationships among people impact our life.  Watch that when you are. Finished here.  
Okay let’s get back to  peace and joy shall we?  It seems to me that  everyone. Experiences some types of sickness or medical distress in the course of a lifetime.  Now I’m going to say I forgive the educational system both in public and private schools, however, it’s just a lie to call what  youth learn “health”. In the few weeks each year or every other  year here is the sum total of what I learned about health.  
  1. Don’t  Drink and drive.  That’s good.helpful information.  However,  it could include “Don’t  drive to your local fast food shack or convenience store for sugar water which can and will also kill you and wreck your health.  
  2. I learned what synthetic dope burning. Smells like.  By the way todays higher grade products don’t smell anything like that and often. Have been altered, but when I was a kid no one bothered to mention that.  I won’t go into the medicinal  value of that particular organic substance here... everyone has a right to form their own opinions there.  
  3. We learned about “sex”...well sort of.  We  saw these drawings that  made the female parts look like some sort of distorted butterfly and the male anatomy. Sort of looked  like a map of Florida with a swollen. Gulf of Mexico  Region.  For  Catholic,ic kids we learned that there. Was no. Such thing as safe premarital sex and it would be best if we were married and had two kids before we asked any more.questions in class.  Oh and we did get to see a few  pictures of diseases and what diseased body parts might look like.  
What we didn’t learn... and why it is important to take a peace and joy perspective....

So let’s start at the beginning... We live in a culture where there is a real tendency to  connect our body shape/color/ with our intellect, personality, fitness....etc... Whendo we learn what society thinks?  Probably  starting at birth, but  that’s just  via osmosis  for the most part.  Then  while you are  growing. Up in the stream called your identity and moving quite well most the time you and everyone else comes to  the whirlpool splattered, jagged rock formation Kaiden, shark infested, dead stump filled rapids known as middle school, adolescence , puberty,  call it what you will... health/body related shit hits the fan and just  when we are starting to establish. Our independence and think a bit. More complexly our mind/body/identity  equations becomes  an algebra equation that we’re supposed to solve with an abacus.  Oh and who do we turn to... well a nun or a priest  or your  parents or a taboo magazine or the internet?    The point I’m trying to make is that we  don’t give ourselves the tools to understand the mind  body connections as adults let alone when. We are going to need it in earlier parts of life.  
So let’s teach our kids some mindfulness, some stress lowering breathing and maybe even provide them with information about how  the mind can help heal the body since the proof is overwhelming that this is true.  
I’ll talk more about this a tomorrow..I’m just making the framework. Here.  
Next (and probably the subject for two or three posts after this... is the idea of coming to terms with  what healthy is and who you are  healthy or not.... This is easier done than said if you are aware...but nearly impossible otherwise.  

As I said earlier everyone gets sick or injured and some people stay sick and injured  or “disabled”. Or chronically ill.  That’s a part of human nature.  The deal is this... It is not  always  the status of your body that dictates whether. You treat your own identity. As sick or damaged.  I have some medical conditions that  aren’t in the “REGULAR” range.  Notice that  I didn’t mention normal... because most of these things are.”normal” for me and they don’t really  have to be the concern of too many other folks or at least most of the time it doesan’t matter to my banker that Idon’t see well or my plumber doesn’t really give a crap if  I’ve got no soft tissue left in my left knee joint.   Yet if those things  happen to  convince me to decide I’m old and decrepit I’ll likely present my shelf that  way to the banker and plumber.  What I’m getting at is simply this.  From the time you. Are born till the time you are dust you are going to have a changing  health status.  You can control some of it and some you cannot and that’s a human thing. Here’s the point!!!
ILLNESS AND INJURIES IMPACT YOUR BODY A LITTLE BIT AT EVERY. MOMENT. OF EVERYONE’S LIFE.  THE HARD PART IS WHAT THEASE THINGS DO TO CHALLENGE OUR IDENTITY....BOTH AS BUILD IT FROM WITHIN AND AS OTHERS TRY TO HOIST IT UPON US.   There are certain illnesses and  physical conditions that  sharing in  a public form will certainly create a firestorm for the way others look at you and treat you but no doctor talks with you. About this and holy crap no health teacher or parent goes down that road so  how are you to be prepared?  Well here’s how... Understand that your. Mind is more powerful than  external  factors.  You get to interpret your experiences no matter what.  You may have to fight hard to  convince others this is true but it’s worth it.  Second you are important to the world and if you have to have “an attitude”  that you deserve the best from  healers that’s a gift you are giving to the rest of us.  Believe in those two things and. You will find some peace.  Now to the Joy part.  Well let me give you an example..When I had my most recent surgery I had to call. For assistance every time I had to go  to the.bathroom.  So on the second night. In the middle of the night I decided. That my independence was about ready to assert itself and I grabbed my IV pole, steadied myself on the bed all the way around to the bathroom  door, got myself seate3d and  let go of a semi-impressive stream.. There is a joy in little things and believe me when  I’m talking about certain. Body parts...well 

The point is you also get to decide what experiences hold joy.   

If you dso not dso Trieste things no health status is going to. Be either a source for peace or joy... 

We’ll  visit that some more tomorrow.  View the  links and be well... 

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