Thursday, January 2, 2020

How deep does peace and joy go


Well at least  ankle deep—if you jump in head first.  There’s an old farmers joke including a barn on fire and having to jump into a pig sty… 

Maybe  later in the year I’ll get  into some more farm sayings and then “jumping  in head first will  take on a different perspective.  
For  now (and  as I try  to remind myself now is the only time there really is in the worldly  circumstances  anyway) it’s the different perspective I wanted to  ramble on about.  
As I sit here  typing I think of how  the keys are very easy to press (nothing like the  old manual typewriters they built from  World War I cannon parts) and about how I overtype  some things because the emotions  run high and I have a “heavy thumb.”  Yet in spite of the light feel of the  keys, I sort of feel like I‘m sitting at a piano composing  a mental  melody.  I can arrange a all aligned attitudinal  arsenal  of aaliterations.  Or chime in time with a sublime rhyme too cute for a scholar and to loud for a mime.  I can  hope to take  a journey that spans miles and  miles and  brings  you to tears or  prompts some slight smiles.  

Mostly I can spend a few minutes not  worried about  yesterday’s scoreboard to  triumphs  and stumbles.  I can simply enjoy the word as it tumbles onto the screen in a flash and a flicker—and wish that the thoughts some days would come so much quicker.  However each time I sit here I get a new  view  of what’s inside me and I’ll share it with you.  I get the feeling that my thoughts are just being and these keys are merely their tools for freeing some of  my burdens for a moment or two.  Okay, Okay, I’m just about through.  

when I sit down to type I’m in my own space.  It can be lonely and a scary  new place…. but It can also be a tremendous release  where I  find my mind drifting  directly toward  peace.  And in this place the doubts and demons aren’t hard to destroy because  writing  this with you brings peace and joy… and not just a little it usually quenches my thirst becauseI’m in ankle deep but I dive in head first.  

Well here’s what it boils down to… when I’m writing I open my spirit  and float like a river.  I hope  you enjoy or think about these words I    deliver 

 You can throw them away but some you may keep you see peace and joy can get rather deep 

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