Saturday, March 14, 2020

Who is to blame? – An alternative answer


Okay—if you are looking for the single authoritative proof for creation according to Genesis or the Big Bang Evolution model, what follows doesn’t even crack the shell on which came first—the chicken or the egg?  It is an interesting  question and human beings seem to need to know from whence (don’t you like that word whence?—we came.  However as I like to tell ancestry and 23 and me— I don’t need to spit in a tube to know who I am.  

So if this post isn’t about that—what is the creation  question featured here?

The creation question related to seeking peace and joy is—


Here’s  the pattern our. Society has adopted as the default.  Problem A exists or emerges.  So the first step is  to find out who benefits from making it known or defining the problem in one particular way or another.  Then once that has been controlled things move forward to “who is to blame for things  being this way?”  Of course the next step is confirming that those at fault cannot be trusted to solve the problem.  So those “not to blame” then choose whether. Or not anything.needs to or will change because  they have the upper hand on those to blame.  Before. They lose that advantage they propose some solution expected  to be applied and if those who were blamed don’t. Get 100% behind this solution they can still be blamed at least for some period of time.  If the problem persists  there will come a time when the question of. Blame get reviewed and maybe the “not my  fault” side loses out and then the cycle starts over again.  
So that’s. How the pattern looks most the time now and creation occurs in the “defining the problem so someone else is to blame phase—of the defining phase and less so in the possible solution phase because the problem has been stated in a restricted  and binary way most of the time.  

For me, peace and joy really doesn’t exist  in that model of. Things and here is where I try to go instead.  

Starting. With. A challenge exists.  When the river is rising does it really matter where it snowed upstream?  Only if  we can change. How the water flows everywhere in the river.  If we aren’t willing to attempt that  then  don’t worry about  where the water is coming from switch immediately to who has a boat or a raft or a house on stilts?  It takes energy to create solutions and the more that is spent on polarizing  definition processes and maintaining  those constraints, the less  energy. There is for creating  different  solutions that can be tested or reconstructed.  So first say yes there is a challenge.  Next. Go to what are two or three possible  acceptable solutions and maybe more than that?  This is where the creativity really needs to flow.  What solutions can work for the most people regardless of where they stand now?  Can we work on two or three solutions at once?  Are there some that can be worked on by. Most people?  Then  we are not  looking at who is to blame anymore, we are looking at who can we work with to  explore solutions and create them?   Many people  find peace in doing something about an issue and find joy in building solutions and I am one of those.  

Well... the last few posts have  highlighted. Some ways to reframe very real questions in a way that I feel impacts seeking  peace and joy.  Moving  from why me to why not, moving from how do I spend time to. Where do I use passion, and moving from who is to blame to what can be done and who  can do it? Are  all parts of the seeking. Peace and joy equation for me.  Doing this is not always  simple or as elegant as. E=mc-squared  (Happy Birthday Albert E), however attempting this seems to explore a lot, learn a lot, and do a lot and not to fear so much or hold on to  the past—two  things that  have very little peace and joy for many including me.  

Next topic?  Music and Me (and you). For now let’s get out there and infect each other  with hope, creativity,  caring, and commitment to community.

More Soon

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