Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The seeking peace and joy dictionary X


Well... it’s often been. Said. X marks the spot and often or at least once that’s true...X is the spot. We are in the dictionary!   We have rumbled, stumbled, mumbled, and bumbled through 23 letter and  we’re entering the holy trinity as in “holy cow” how  do we find  entries at this end of the alphabet?   Well  if X marks the spot then. Here are a couple of treasures. That begin  with XXX oh wait that would be poison or  porn and these aren’t that bad or that good... however here. We go..

X is for....


Xanadu... noun Imaginary place

When  this entry was rolling out in the work completion  mode it kept  auto filling in  Xanax which is a medication that rounds off all the edges a and supposedly  makes the world taste  good like the candy man can.   However, Xanadu is a magical land full of brightness and light where  people find happiness and joy and it’s a perfect. Fictional place...of a dance club where. Olivia Newton John and John Travolta  also find some phony Nirvana.  So. Is this post making fun of Zanadu?  YYep probably  because seeking peace. And joy isn’t about some magical one stop  utopia where we are all perfect and sit smiling  as we eat Lucky Charms and  crap rainbows.  Seeking peace and joy will not. Mean searching for the bright sparkling lights and the perfect. Rhythm of  the synthesized  drum machine.  In fact it will be a process of sitting quietly in the dark or  walking down a dusty road and being silent  enough to let in new ideas and providing space to attach new emotions and meanings to the sensations of the real world.  Seeking peace and joy doesn’t  ask you to land upon perfection but if you want to try.... find Marty McFly or Doc Brown and set the time machine to a time when  it was time to get physical and see what you find... Good Luck when you hit 88 miles an hour...


Xerox...noun a company or a generic  term for making a copy....

Entry. Two on this post is strikingly similar. To entry one—why so?  Seeking peace and joy probably doesn’t  happen if we overvalue  Xanadu or Xerox.... after all when it comes to your body, heart, and soul yeveryone has a special set of  gifts and copying someone else’s is producing something that. Already  exists and probably in a form that is slightly less clear and in the case of money making copies and trying to benefit  might get you free lodging at the Iron Cage Inn.  Anywaydon’t worry about  copying anything exactly and don’t look around and compare to see if you are a perfect copy...that’s an o”x”ymoron.  


Xylemnoun..rhymes with Phylum and asylums ... what is it ...well it’s critical in the structure of plants as they grow.  It’s not the  colorful budding  part that everyone sees and praises , however, without. This component the rest falls apart because the plant wouldn’t have structure and nutrition wouldn’t get to the other parts of the plant.  Since X in the Webster’s  doesn’t have  many entries either ... go look this up and  see  how cool and important this would be for a plant to prosper and find its unique place...don’t be afraid to be someone else’s xylem or to value. Those who might serve as yours or support. Your xylem...

And  of course no self respecting. (And most days I respect myself ) musician could leave without including 



This is an instrument made up of “plates” or slats or tubes of varying lengths that have been designed to make certain tones when struck  with another object.  The xylophone in all its forms makes a unique addition to almost. Any composition.  Notice however this sound doesn’t come out unless  it’s hammered...much like bad Karaoke  singers... The difference is the xylophone. Often makes a  soothing sound whereas Karaoke. Singers often bring on the sound of you ordering another Jell-O  shot.  Oh wait... back. To the mellow  sound of the xylophone.... it has high energy and yet it’s designed to bring calm and s movement. To a melody.  It often appears in the bridge  and serves as the connecting. Tones  for two parts of the song... So. Bringing energy  while seeming calm and conne3cting things seems like something. That happens when we are doing okay at seeking peace and joy...

Go go out..be the xylophone and occasionally get hammered.   

Well enough is enough and  we as Yoday might remark

Head to Y Tomorrow we  will... We won’t try to do it of course. Because there is no try.

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