Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Seeking Peace and joy dictionary Z


Writer’s Note:  Thanks for reading along .... what? This is your first read?  Well then thanks for reading along of course.  We have done this in alphabetic order for a bit and like Steven Wright the comedian says the person who  invented alphabetic order  rules everything.... When I entertained the idea of  this series there was a great temptation to  explain  that we would either go in reverse or randomly select the next letter day after day until the  alphabet had been completed.  Then... common sense  filtered in and I thought people reading at home could have a little fun figuring out what the entries for the next  blog might be.  A couple of people  offered their comments using words that may have been included  and a couple  did offer suggestions for other letters.  I found these  comments incredibly creative and am massively grateful to all who have shared from  A to Y... So here’s the caboose .... Thanks for climbing aboard for part or all of this journey through the letters.... 

Z is for 



Well zany is a bit comical and buzzard and  madcap.  Zany also seems  to mean “not to be taken seriously.”  When you describe  something. Or someone as zany it would seem. You are saying there is absolutely no harm intended and in seeking peace and joy and experimenting with experiences   And their meanings it seems reasonable  that from time to time you just have to say this was a zany event—there was no harm intended.  this event fell outside the “normal” range and could be seen as humorous  from 30,000 feet and the actors in the experiences reacted without reason....because it happens sometimes.  Maybe we will look at some things in 2020 that way when it’s 2040 much like we look at a lot of 1970’s  clothing.  

Also don’t be afraid to get your inner zany on from time to time.  Sometimes zany offers you and those around you a chance to let loose of old habits and ideas just long enough to find fresh perspectives with very little  sense of risk and in a world that serves retail uncertainty and wholesale prices.a little comedic relief from  things isn’t probably a bad deal....

So go out be brainy and zany


Zen...noun (state of mind) 


This is going to get personal.  You see I interpret Zen  in my own way to some extent and I believe everyone  practicing  it does as well.  Zen is not a faith or a religion in the formal sense (IMO) it is a process of tiring your mind and body to your soul and paying attention.  Meditation is one way that people can use  this concept and is often confused with a zen state or as practicing Zen.   Athletes in a zone —another great z-word are experiencing “Zen” .  People praying. Are often experiencing Zen...because  you are letting your body, mind, and soul experience the here and now.  Can you practice. Zen—well some would say you can and if by practicing it  you mean giving it space to emerge then I’d agree, however, my thinking and feeling is that Zen the state of mind and, body, and soul is a constant and we at best experience it and recognize  it after  the fact.  We can eliminate some of the factors that “shadow” us so that our Zen is blocked but can we put the ingredients in apan and bake them  at 375 and hope to reach a Zen state on demand?  I’m not so sure... It works better for me if  I think of Zen states as the other side of this  balance.  When I pray (in whatever from that may be) Ian talking to god (by whatever name you might choose) and  when I meditate (in whatever form that takes like playing a sport at a high level, strumming the guitar, or breathing rhythm icky, I’m listening to god and when the process leads to an effortless  happening  in the world that impacts my body, mind, and soul... then that’s the ultimate  experience of grace and “zen.”    

So Zen and seeking peace and joy?  Since it is  hard and maybe not possible to reach a collective Zen it is important to understand that if you are going to meditate on the road to are probably going alone.  Now that’s okay just as it is often faster to shop alone, however, it’s not the same as crusing the mall with your friends and going to tell jokes outside of Orange Julius (lost 80’s reference).  Seriously Zen. And meditation  are often solitary  enterprises and that’s okay but limited and sometime limited is what works, however. Understand that’s what it is going in.... Seeking Peace and Joy often works with others and. So  find the balance that works best with the gifts you have to offer the universe and  it will all be very radical dude.



This entry refers specifically  to the “California Zephyr” this train runs from Chicago to the Pacific Ocean and is identifiable as it is a shining silver passenger train that still features  all the luxury  of past rail travel.... okay there are some things that have changed...but standing in a small town along the way and seeing the Zephyr was and is a reminder that you can go a great distance and still be connected to a wide variety of places.  Your dreams are often closer than you think and then move away but not so far that you won’t see them come into focus again.  You can imagine yourself on the Zephyr or you can imagine loading your troubles on the send them far away.  That’s how it is with seeking and joy—your dreams are often  far away but coming  right toward you and then they stop a minute for you to get aboard... but. You could also  miss the train or it might not be on schedule leaving you to deal with crazy details that you could not have  expected.  Just like the butterfly  effect sort of... a cow crossing the tracks 13 miles outside of Omaha  might throw off the timing  of your life and you might miss your connection to Kalamazoo where you might have met that special someone in line  at the corner  bar.  You may never know.....and yet tomorrow the Zephyr will come again and who knows?   the point long as you keep the Zephyr running in your soul there are possibilities  and seeking peace and joy  you will be able to see them as they come, stop, move on and come again.


ZZZZ is a symbolic  word for sleep... and if this dictionary hasn’t put you to sleep by now I suggest you get some rest anyway....  and like I said above ... thanks for  coming along... the Peace and Joy Zephyr will be back again soon... 


See  you at the Zoo.

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