Sunday, October 17, 2021

Do you believe in magic it’s that season


Halloween  “season” —and it seems it has grown into a season these days— has set upon us like a mist upon  the graveyard.  So…from today until then the blog will borrow spooky and mysterious  themes.  So when we think of witches, warlocks, and wizards we ponder the power of magic both real and imagined—or maybe it’s all imagined until we grant it  our special ability  to take an idea and create it’s reality?  Anyway we’re going to get our bip-a dee bop-a dee  on and do some peace and joy.


Is for meaning….

Seeking Peace and Joy is linked to the process of binging meaning to experiences.  Things happen both intentional and accidental, organized and random seemingly epic and mundane.  We try to assign a cognitive and emotional definition to these experiences and some sort of spiritual interpretation to wrap this  all up in.  So meaning is at its core a dynamic process at as we create it.  Strangely after a meaning is created initially. We  rarely re-create it in the face of learning and future  experiences.  Once an experience has a meaning in a narrative we often call it a fact and maybe rob it of its beauty and power.  We take most the magic out of it?


Is forAwareness

Seeking peace and joy  incorporates facing barriers of the mind.  Unfortunately, all of us wrap our lives in thoughts and meanings based upon what once was,what might be,and the tangled web of coulda woulda.  These things block the beauty  of what is and what can be when focused upon the here and now.  Using “magic” often relies upon directing the flow of things or becoming part of that flow.  If we are not aware we separate out selves and others from the magical power of the spirit, the flow, the force.  Become aware of the here and now  and the magic can flow from our fingertips.  Breathe and let the magic inspire us.


Is for Generosity 

We We are not talking about giving out the big candy bars—everybody knows who gives out the big candy bars at Halloween—always have and always will.   No.. we are talking about the magic of sharing feelings and observations.  We are talking about having the courage to say “this is why I say and do what I do…”. This is about being generous enough with your time to listen as other share thoughts and feelings about their experiences.  Generosity. If not about “stuff”. There is. And always has been enough stuff to go around it’s about helping each other explore without fear to discover  a purpose for existing and then pursuing that.  

I ….

I is for Ideas

Seeking peace and joy is definitely  an “idea thug.  It’s gathering ideas, forming, ideas, sharing  ideas, changing ideas,  and letting some ideas go.  Magic happens when we take a dip in the caldron  of ideas knowing that in order to to come out with best ideas so very often  is linked with having. And considering  many ideas.  The worst idea ever is often the only  idea we have the courage to consider.    That is… when. We only consider one possibility it can only be the best and worst idea we have had…. Seeeking peace. And joy becomes magic when our odds are better than 50/50.  The power of our magic grows as we harness the  the energy of ideas.


C is for Connection 

There is a sign  seen from time to time that says “ a person wrapped  up n themselves is a small package.”  Well …. Magic  (and seeking peace and joy) is not something that happens in a vacuum.  It is a connection between. People, between nature and people, and between  the greater spirit and people.  If you want magic and signs of peace and joy look for and build connections.  

Okay…it’s a couple weeks until the witching hour so this is enough enchanted dust for one day abracadabra amen

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