Thursday, October 28, 2021

That haunted feeling is probably real


So …. Almost every civic organization has at one time or another sponsored a “haunted house.”  You buy a ticket in a yard with some cardboard or foam tombstones  planted in the yard and take you place in line.  You are guided through in a line  that is a bit crowded and meant to keep moving. Through a space where  you can’t see the path ahead very clearly and flashes of light and sound create illusions designed to alter your sense of certainty and comfort.  Oh wait that’s junior high.  Seriously, sometimes life has these elements and the “haunted house” just reminds you that there are some threats to your comfort zone creeping around a lot of the corners ahead.  

However, that’s not really the “haunting” being discussed here.  One can dare to say that almost everyone has been in some part of a house or building and felt a strange feeling… heard a strange sound and seen some strange lights floating or some shadows lurking.  Well… good news… these spaces  are real.  There is a very good chance you are hearing moans and capturing glowing  objects.  You see… Imost of us have heard of and experienced infrared and ultraviolet light in a controlled setting.  What most of us  don’t understand is that these are at the very edge of the visible spectrum of light and that because they happen in nature they can be impacted by other natural forces.  Mirrors  and prisms  bend light and then it reflects off objects and bingo…reflected and reflected light bounces off a wall or dust fragments in strange  combinations.  Nature produces light in a spectrum thousands of times greater than the human eye receives and the human mind can process so it’s not a shock that we sometimes catch some recycled rays.  

Sound is the same…. For example  a whale  emits sounds at frequencies we can hear, however, these sounds also radiate in frequencies far below the regular  hearing range.  Other things, like electrical resistors make sounds that cause vibrations that added together can create low hummming or even large humming.  What  changes the frequency of sounds?  Well everything of course  and sometimes these sound waves are “absorbed” for the most part but they also are reflected  and rebounded  until all their “sound producing”  energy has dissipated.  Again … back to that range of human capabilities again.  

Then there a places in houses where  you swear you feel a cool draft.  Well those are ghosts…just get over it.  

The Peace and Joy Connection?

It’s pretty  usual to feel discomfort when you can sense changes just outside  your regular range of feelin, seeeing/perception, and hearing or understanding.  When we feel isolated it seems more likely that these things get a little freakier.  So when getting ready to enter some new space it’s often  helpful to hold someone else’s hand or listen closely to your own breath.  Not everything you will experience can be explained  immediately or in McLean language…just try describing the taste of chocolate.  Try to remember that just because something  is unexplained it doesn’t always need to be feared or remembered as scary… maybe it’s something we haven’t learned yet.  …and things that  go bump in the night?  I left my shoes in the hallway agin darn. It!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Halloween to you and all the good readers of Peace and Joy!
