Sunday, October 24, 2021

Ghost stories and moving ahead


Over the past few days  events and experiences have sparked memories that conjured up some unpleasant visions and emotions. It is very difficult to keep these separate from things actually happening right now at times.  In short, they are sort of working their way into my current narrative  and turning  regular life into “ghost” stories.  IThis doesn’t seem like the time or place to relay a series of these  stories I’m living with in the past few days, however, maybe it is necessary for my admission that what follows is easier said than felt and of course easier dthought about than done.  Having said all that...

There are ghosts  around us. In the memories we think about and in the objects that prompt the memories and then there are shouts that come sneaking  up from the briefest of conversations or the subtlest smells.  In seeking peace and joy it seems to work best if we ask these ghost directly to give up their lessons so that we can be a channel to share them either internally or with the world.  People who write  memoirs seem to have had a conversation or two with their ghosts and  thus shed light on the narrative their ghosts would have them follow and the ways in which they took up the pen and changed  the course of that narrative.  There are countless examples of this, however, Ia recent podcast describing  one such narrative  mentioned an event happening in Rochester, NY that might shine some light on how a person meets with her ghosts and writes  her story (see the link below).  

A second way to wrestle with ghosts is to ask “does this ghost bring feelings of love or fear?”   Memories that bring  fear can be tough to brush aside, yet as Scrooge reminds us these ghosts are  likely  begging us to change, to experiment with something different, to scream for help sometime...

Other shorts are more like spiritual  guides or angels... and while they may bring happy thoughts we must be aware that these ghosts are there to  remind you  of your goodness in times of doubt.  They are. There to remind you of ove and curiousity.  

There  will always be  ghosts and they will always be part of our stories... let us always try to find the lessons they offer and share  the ones that help us focus on the gifts of today and the possibilities of sharing  that instead of  the fear.  

Oh and like  I said before a good example. Of how  some people. Work together to write  a new qghost story can be found by following  the link below...

Next up... Haunted houses?  God's Teardrop: My Journey of Healing from Addiction and Prostitution Book Discussion - MCLS Events & Programs - Monroe County Library System Home

1 comment:

  1. Great column Jim! I have a copy of the book you mentioned at the end, God's Teardrop.
