Why the World Will End in 2022
Since there have been and will continue to be various calendars applied to whatever time is on this planet, in this galaxy, within this universe etc and since the world (as we know it) excepting for that pesky concept of conservation of matter/energy—will end we can simply modify when we start counting so that 2022 will mark the end just like the wise old owl tells us that it takes 3 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
So that’s prediction. Number one. Here are nine more predictions and resolutions coming from the seeking peace and joy realm and spanning what’s left of the year.
Resolution and /or Prediction 2 —Sharing thoughts about books....
Yours truly listens to an estimated 500 books a year—yes that means I’m listening to books and music pretty much non-stop. It seems that somewhere other than my gray matter should be used to record at least one quote/concept/thought to be passed along. After all, if any of “Seeking Peace and Joy” ever makes it into a book I want people to record their reflections for further review. So... do unto others. These mini-reviews are probably. Going to be jotted down in some blogs and recorded in frequent podcasts... depending on which instruments of mass instruction are most convenient. At the time. Will the reader have to cross platforms? Yep.... sorry—it’s the 21st century!
Resolution-Prediction 3 –Getting organized—This Blog has over 500 entries....500.... if you would have told me I was required to write 500 entries over the course of a lifetime I may have wiggled a solitary finger and said no way at one point, yet now that we’ve crossed that Rubicon it’s all downhill from here—unless we’re headed in the wrong direction. The point is....it is possible to index the entries and I haven’t done even a half fast (Thanks Mac) job of using labels so readers can weave their way through new and old entries. So... as the munchkins advised the ruby-slippered runaway... let’s begin at the beginning. Starting tomorrow the process of. Making sure each blog will have at least three categories attached to it begins. By the end of 2022 (and hopefully before) every blog entry will be thusly organized. Does it mean there will be some square pegs in round holes? Yep and some triangle screws will be wedged forcibly into trapezoid treehouses too.
Resolution-Prediction 4.
Drink More Water
What? This is self explanatory. I need to drink more water. It can be tap water, bottled water, vitamin. Water, and possibly even fire water (well maybe not so much), however I drink too much stuff with sugar and other ingredients. Now just a note of clarification. There are no such things as artificial flavorings.or colors. Anything you can taste has an actual or real flavor and anything you can see has a real actual color and all ingredients. Are natural unless they are ghosts which might make them supernatural. The point is I need to stay hydrated and do all things possible to enhance my supernatural immunity .
Prediction-resolution 5...
I will be using the restroom more frequently than in 2021.... see resolution-Prediction . Number 4
Prediction-Resolution 6.
If you read this blog (or listen to the podcast) you will have the opportunity to learn at least three new words (foreign or domestic) or novel concepts each month. For example the tiny glob of toothpaste left on the side of the nozzle should be referred to as crest-crust or social media that is blasting stuff your way without your control should be called MMDs Methods of Mass Distraction.
Prediction-resolution 7. I will learn to play 24 songs on the keyboard/piano (and describe these efforts in the SPJU. What’s the SPJU? remember. I said I’d be introducing a new concept? The SPJU is the “seeking Peace and Joy Universe LOL”. so I play a little already and yet it’s meager. I’m not fully engaged most the time when I do and while I can plunk out a mean smoke on the Water or Twinkle Twinkle, its time to be focused enough to echo some real melodies and chords etc. This will include at least 4 songs I write and play specifically. With the keyboard. You see, every instrument has some magic locked inside and like all experiences, unless you “paint the fence”, “sand the floor”< and “wax on wax off” it’s not likely you can gain or share the full meaning within. Therefore I’m diving in and bringing the SPJU along. There is a distinct possibility of failure here... but you’ll miss every shot you don’t take.
Resolution-Prediction 8. More “Poetry”
In the year of 20 and 21 There were some rhymes and they were fun Yet. More of them could have been done Describing prophet, pawn, or nun
for. Rhythmic words cut through the haze of words designed to clear the maze but often just disturb our days In in wacky large and little ways.
Alas new rhymes are now in store on topics one should not ignore IWith hopes of causing laughs galore or thoughts one’s never dared before
resolutions-Predictions 9 & 10 Pointing out Fear and Taking the risk and Responsibility
i will use first person. Entries more often....and shall be open with my fears and condemnation of said fears. These are two separate yet closely linked things. And it seems necessary to come right out and say so. In may of the 500 some odd posts prior to this I have avoided first person language in an effort to distance myself from some of the notions that most the readers (My readers?) have been exposed to and done so because I don’t want anyone to feel targeted or more importantly blame me for targeting ideas and folks. I use terms like “we often” when it would be more accurate to say “you know I often”.... so the thing is... maybe this shows fear and I’m so tired of being afraid and I’m so tired of people being afraid and being sold the fact that they should be afraid. If you are. Afraid. Like everyone else than you AND I. Are cloaking the process of being responsible for inaction. Well though is not enough. If I and maybe we don’t choose risk and responsibility let’s not shout. Out about our “rights” in the coming year. You see living in the now and seeking peace and. Joy really do require acting in an engaged way. They require saying ‘fear” is real, yet it only lasts until we learn to grab lessons from “failure and then fear is just a prompt to provide a menu of risks worth taking. If I want. You to take this blog or the podcast. Into your heart and soul then I have to admit it comes from my heart and soul as fed by the people I know, the people i read, the songs I hear and play and on and on. the time has come for me. To say I am here... it is now... let’s walk forward in the light we can create and share
Peace, Joy, and Love
Jim January 2022