Well this here calendar says it’s. Almost June and I have one simple question. I also. Have a. More complex. Question, however did your first grade teacher throw an algebra book on your desk?
Simple question: how are those resolutions coming? I mean if you made some at the beginning. Of the year? I did. I made. Three. Now it’s. Time for a quick progress check. I figure I still have. Time to pull it out if I’m behind.
Ok here is a quick flashback to my original offerings.
For the coming year I have three resolutions—
First create more than I collect.
Second, forgive more than I judge.
Third, approach the world with curiosity more often than fear.
I am not certain this will bring peace and or joy but it is a step down that path...
On the first resolution I think I’m okay except if I flip the script a bit and specify what I was. Creating and what IUam collecting. I have created a lot of blog posts and some music/songs and lyrics and have had a truck load of creative thoughts about the world so I’ll put that in the “doing well enough” category. Now for the collecting realm. At first glance things look goood and yet I have experienced a lot of new/interesting emotions over the last. Several. Months. I have some new body irregularities to experience on a fairly regular basis and have collected a. Lot of knowledge regarding those. IThen I estimate I. Have listened to 109 books so far collecting. Some wisdom and (sorry to say) reading some fantastic descriptions and some not.
So on this resolution, I will say I have created more than. Collected and what I’ve collected has been okay too for the most. Part when it comes to experiences. What I. Haven’t collected. Is a lot of things and that intended point of the resolution, but I don’t mind thinking of collecting experiences so maybe I’ll revise that resolution next year.
Numero. Dos: Forgiveness. Vs. Judging.
My thinking on this isthatI’m doing pretty well. I have forgiven some people for actions that I don’t believe were fair or necessary. In the greater. Scheme I have forgiven the universe many times this year for failing to consult my. Master plan. Seriously, I have started to figure out a new process of thinking about the actions of others which is why assume they either understand everything they do or could. Control the results even if they wanted to. Now I should admit I haven’t. Quite figured out how or if that. Applies to me too, but I threw the red flag and it’s under. Review. Now. For the judging part. I have always been guilty of judging fairly quickly. In recent years and during this. Year what I have decided is that. There is not really a need for. Me to judge as many people or actions as I oncde did. You see judging. Means setting some standards—yes I have. Standards— and then analyzing. Whether. Something matchesa up. Well, that’s a lot of work and maybe it doesn’t really matter how much whiter Crest. Makes your teeth than Colgate and whether that applies to the special formula that includes baking soda. To sum it up Ithink I judge less. I still need work.
Resolution Number Three— Whatthe hell was Ithinking? I do approach more things with curiousity than I used to and more so each day. IIn many ways. I have started treating life like an experiment rather than a box cake that tells you all the ingredients you will need, exactly how to mix them, and for. How long you need to place it in the oven. What? You ask/. I’m comparing life to a cake? Well yes—yes I am and they both go better with. Just the right. Amount of frosting applied in the right places....but this is a family blog so end of discussion. I am just saying I am curious, I try reframing some things. Failures. Are now referred to as lessons to be learned unless I really screw up and then it’s a mistake and I’ll own it. And try to. Fix it. It right away.
Okay READ THIS CAREFULLY TO CATCH THE POOR USE OF VOCABULARY I’m almost afraid to talk about fear. I’m doing better, but let’s just say I have let fear drive some of my behavior like Kevin. harvick drives his race car. it sometimesgets me to thefinish line and sometimes gets me into the. wall at about 175 miles per hour. To improve on this ihave reduced two things. one is that I nolonger. assume I can know what. is going to happen 18 months. from now if I don’t tie my left shoe before I tie the right.
I try to stay. A little more in the moment and breathe a little slower just in case I. Am using. My finite. Number of breaths. Up too quickly (just kidding it’s blinks you have a finite number of). Now a second thing I am doing is actually what I’m doing. Right now—creating. Something. That. I hope will have a positive impact. On someone else’s experiment. Called life. If. I am doing this. Then I don’t. Ponder so much. What. Could be happening to me. I focus upon what I could be doing. Many folks say success lies...oh happiness lies just on the other side of fear. It’s a cute saying and makes fora quick reminder and yet I am finding. That when I acknowledge. It and act I sometimes find that. Ontheothersideof fear there’s a big mud. Puddle full of broken glass super glue and something that looks like medical waste. What’s working for me is looking at the fear and building a team to support me. As I deal with it. That means. I also hcan learn the skills and awareness to help others when fear comes knocking. Fear does not worry about. Equal distribution. Some people. Get. More chances to experience it than others and some people are better abt wasting their imagination on things to fear rather than inventing solutions to real circumstances— (hey. Dude refer to that stuff about judging above alright?)
Okay so on this resolution I need to work smarter. I need to practice curiosity so much that it. Becomes the standard behavior in new situations.
Now I have provided an analysis. Of my resolutions thus far and as with any planning. Exercise there. Should be some room for adjustments. In my case I am going to add two new resolutions that should drive my performance vector a bit higher.
So Number Four
—Every time I choose to wear a pair of socks (which is very, very, often). I will put one on each foot.
Number. Five— When I brush my teeth I will not knowingly skip. Every other one on a regular basis.
That’s certainly been enough street corner. Philosophy for one entry. I hope you are. Doing well on your. Resolutions—if not forgive yourself and reach inside. To find the light and follow it.....the rest will work out.