Saturday, May 18, 2019

Writing questioning answers answering questions seeking peace and joy


So for the last couple mornings my pants legs wer virtually even and I wasn’t particularly hungry so it was straight for some liquid and a pill.  S Then I set out. To write the follow-up. From the  last entry.  Ok, I’m coming back to the sweat pants  and of course the cereal mascots later,however, today is  going to be focused uponythree things.  
  1. The connection  between  questions writer’s pose and seeking. Joy.
  2. The invitations writer’s give readers to approach lessons, and
  3. Then a sneak preview of tomorrow’s.   The joy of  offering and. Accepting the challenge of  being a writer on purpose.

In the grand scheme of things what do writers and writing. Have. To do with  Peace and Joy?  
WellI think two things jump right out once you. Think about it for a bit.  Writers are in the storytelling  business.  People make sense. Of their world in terms of stories.  In short we experience things and wonder what it means. In terms of our life story.  Writers offer story after story and as scene after scene fill the pages the reader puts in some effort to connect with the scene.  for example Tom Murray  wrote a  book called The Fathers Sons and Holy  Ghosts of Baseball.  There is a scene of a 1970’s. Small midwestern town Main  Street.  If you lived in a small rural town  in the Midwest at that time. You couldn’t  help but identify with the. Descriptions and therefore, if you had questions or lessons left to figure  out  about that time in your life, it made. It almost impossible  not to start the mental process of seeking peace (of the lesson)  you had yet to gain  even after all these years.  One of his main characters was a person displaced from a culture much different  from this one and  a teenager.  Here. The author. Gives us someone on a quest ti fund an identity in. A strange land.  How often does.seeking  peace involve seeking identity in a strange land?  Quite often I imagine.  Then there is a town fixated upon  a narrow set of. Values—in this case a particular religion. And a particular sport.  Sound familiar?  I bet it does. If you grew up in a small community no matter the size of  the city or town.  Now what the  writer has offered  a somewhat  safe space for you the reader to start asking and answering  questions to bring  possible peace from times long ago or maybe current ones.  He has presented  many perspectives  or quite  simply  places where. You can stand. And see how things unfold.  What also happens. In this story is a story where  he not only offers some answers but  lays out some situations  that raise important questions regarding values and the rubles of  religion opposed to the strength of faith.   That is a. Very  relevant theme in today’s  Catholic Church and in many. Others for that matter.  

In short the writer. (Tom Murray)  provides the gift to the readers that so many writers do.  They  invite readers to answer questions to  gain some. Peace and lead the reader to ask  some questions that will likely  arise in seeking peace in the future.  The writer also  offers. A moral—a lesson— if you will, however, doesn’t. Force you to accept it.  So the writing becomes  a tool to find some peace and to seek some peace.  That is the gift writers  have or the curse they have.  You see most  writers cannot avoid leaving the space. To answers question and question answers....that both  leads to peace and creates  some  uneasiness or clues to peace yet to be gained.  
So that covers  two of the things I wanted to cover today.  

Tomorrow I’m going to talk about being a. Writer/storyteller  on purpose and how it adds. To the joy  to be found. In the world.  I will cover some people who I consider story telllers in our society today namely one presenter/song writer/consultant and a blogger/podcaster/ slash street level  philosopher.  

After that brief  discussion  I will offer some notes on my personal journey with writing in several  forms including this blog, some poems, and some songs.   

Until then keep questioning. As many. Answers as  you are. Attempting to answer  questions.

There is something. To be said about balance.


  1. Thanks for the shoutout, Jim!

  2. Jim, you offer deep food for thought here. As a fellow writer, I am humbled to read this as I currently mainly write as a way to honor others. No deep messages or probing. I did love Tom’s book and admire his accomplishment.
