Sunday, June 30, 2019
Sunday serenade smile like the angels revise
Saturday, June 29, 2019
How do you measure peace and joy? How do you measure anything and why?
This morning I was listening to the most recent. Issue of “Wired” magazine. It features the latest information on electronics and tech and doesn’t
avoid the ethical debates about going too far with technology and blurring the line between machine and mankind. Okay enough of a commercial for the did spark this entry so I needed to acknowledge that.
One of the articles was a feature on how we have not yet invented a robotic contrivance that can parallel the human ability to smell. So...we not only don’t have robots that can smell drugs. Out as they are smuggled across the border, none of our hydraulic friends can sniff the glorious smell of theatre popcorn or hot. And fresh from the oven loaf of bread or apple pie.
Oh sure there are competent scientists working on it as it would. Her great for a machine to detect explosives and such, however I’m going to leave this thread where it stands except to make the point that humans and machines have not figured out. How to measure enverything and sometimes what we take for granted as standard is built on pretty shaky ground. For example while most the world uses the “metric” system the U.S. still uses the “English” system which ironically features the mile. Where did that measure come from? Well some research (Google) indicates that the mile was originally how far a Roman soldier could travel marching in double step in an hour or some such thing. This was then set as about 5000 feet which was based upon Charlamagne’s actual foot, but later converted to the length of 35 barely corns laid end to end. I’m not sure I could imagine shopping at Home Depot for lumber in units of barely corns...but let’s move forward. Now queen Elizabeth had to put her own spin on the whole measurement of a mile because it was too inconvenient. To use as a measure when a “furlong” was about 660 feet (the length that most farmers would make an average row on their farms- and this did not divide evenly. So she declared a mile would now be 5280 feet so that eight. Furlongs would make up a mile. Okay are you feeling pretty comfortable. On how we measure things yet? Well go into the settings on your phone and see if your GPS has a furlong setting or a barley corn conversion app suggestion.
And I said all of that about measuring things to get to this. What are units of measure for peace, joy, anxiety, depression, and love. If you are really upset what would your rating be on the black-eyed peas scale? If you are feeling. Particularly happy, would that rand a 8.1 on the puppy dog tail-wagging index?
My point here is that most scales are not in. Place to actually tell you something about. Yourself or your location they are devised as a comparison measure against some agreed upon norm. Real Estate. Agents will tell you this is a 2000 sqare foot house. That’s 70,000 barely corns—(WOW). Then comparisons will be made between that house and the 1800 square foot ranch that is 2 miles from the beach...and that would take a Roman soldier how long to march from home to go surfing? Oh and Queen Elizabeth how many furlongs would my kids have to ride their. Bike to. Get to the nearest park?
Again...the point is we have devised these things to compare each other to something or someone.
Well Sherlock, good luck if you are trying to get a clue by doing this <sarcasm>. Instead walk around the space in your dwelling (you know house, office man cave, whatever) and touch things, smell things really look at them etc. Then. You decide what compelled. You. To put them in that space. What was/is their purpose for being there? What door knob feels the best in. Your hand? What chair would. You take to a dessert island? Then feel the sense of gratitude that you have these things right here and right now. That’s where the peace and joy comes in. A bigger door. Knob might not feel the same as you turn it. A softer chair might not feel as supportive but it may have a higher “comfort rating” on some how’s your. Rear end feel scale somewhere.
I really like the feel of the wood edge of this table where I sit typing on my iPad. It reminds me. Of the grain on my 27 ounce Al Kalinie ball bat.
In the end what I’m suggesting is peace and joy are all around you most the time, however, if you adopt someone else’s or even your own arbitrary. Comparative. Measure of them the goal posts will always keep moving on you or you will move them yourself.
Sohere’s a little challenge...except when you are driving (because it’s good to stay in your lane and follow. The flow of traffic) see how many things you. Can ignore when it’s comes to. Measuring anything. Don’t set an alarm for. How long you are supposed. To be reading or napping or cleaning just see how many things feel good in your hand or sound good or smell at least pleasant. Let your “peace and joy” senses be your guide for the rest of one day which is approximately 24 hours in a year that is approximately. 365 days ,however every fourth year we need an extra day—well at least for the next 4 million years or so when. The earth’s orbit speeds up just enough that this extra day will no longer be needed. Okay don’t me. Started on the Gregorian. calendar.
In the end, don’t measure you in comparison to anything or anyone-just believe in the senses and. Gifts you have inherited and grown. Well I can hear and smell my boiling chicken and it is time to give that. Some attention. Do you ever think about what chicken tastes like—I mean we often talk about what tastes like chicken? Okay that’s enough for a Saturday afternoon. Tomorrow is likely to bea song built from that rhymnethe other day with some elements of this post. Added.
Take care. While I move about 500 barely corns and get some work done. Smile
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Laugh Like A Child
SOMETIME DREAMS (A rhyme —a song?)
Sometimes a dream is a whisper to your soul
Reminding you that not everything is under your control
That your glass is not half empty it is at least half full
So let go of the ball and see where it might roll
Of course there will be days when the outlook appears poor
And it seems there lurks a shado behind almost every door
Leaves you wondering how it is you’ll take one more
Of these obstacles that knock you down and leave you on the floor
How you travel through thee days is something you can choose
Don’t worry if the outside world won’t buy into your views
Folks may never quite be able to step three feet in your shoes
So here’s a few lines of wisdom I hope that you can use
The world spins so quickly
Then things you think you know are not close to what they seem
Let your troubles float away and hold on to your dream
Let your dream keep glowing and your ideas will grow wild
Keep smiling with the angels—And laughing like a child
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Duct tape meditation and peace and joy
Sitting on my work table, about eight, maybe nine inches away from this keypad, there are two magnificent rolls of not yet opened duct tape. Now these are authentic Duck Brand Duct Tape so whether you call all duct tape duct tape or duck tape you are okay by me. Now these rolls were part of a Father’s Day gift, and of course the real gift is the children/adults now that I have been honored to have— no other gifts would be necessary.
That being said, some folks who know me understand the value I put on duct tape as evidence of advanced civilization and just plain a handy thing to always keep around.
Why do I like it so? There are at least three rather simple reasons.
First, it has so many purposes. You can use it in many situations and it will do for a while in almost any set of circumstances.
Second, you don’t have to know in advance when or where you will use the whole roll in order for you to buy it without being questioned about “where,when,how, or why you are getting it.
Third, every time you use it, other possible uses of it seem to come into your mind, if only temporarily.
After you use it, you can move forward with your projects, reaching your purposes etc and still know it may need to be replaced or improved upon with something else soon, however, you accept that going in.
So—you are usually at peace when buying and using it...or thrilled when it is a gift! Second it is helpful always and eexternal judges don’t seem to question the specifics. Third, you don’t hold onto it as if it can never be improved upon or replaced. Oh and since you have a whole roll of it, it isn’t that hard to share if need be.
Okay then what in the name of Buddha does this have to do with meditation or mindfulness?
Well let me see... can meditation (or prayer if you want to substitute) bring you peace of mind and be useful in a lot of situations? Does the calmness of knowing you can pray or meditate to clear your mind temporarily seem like a duct tape sort of solution? Could be. Do you know that meditation, mindfulness, and prayer are steps to be taken in conjunction with actions and behaviors as a part of life and can lead to more productive habits, processes, and results?
Hmm... I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to see some real parallels here.
In summary, duct tape and meditation serve humanity in much the same way. They work in so many different circumstances. You don’t have to know what all these contexts are before you buy into their value. Sharing them is not really a problem and they are almost always a part of change.
So I have already Done a little meditating and praying this morning and will be cracking open on of these rolls of tape this afternoon.
If this was a bridge too far for some of you that’s okay—the main thing is that there connections between the things around you that can bring you thoughts of peace and joy if you are open to looking at them that way—especially the simple things. If this entry just brought. You a strange. Smile—then just share that smile with someone else today and we will never run out of duct tape.
Well it’s time for me. To roll on into the rest of my day. Peace!
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Standing in the middle of the desert waiting for your ship to come in and peace and joy
Standing in the middle of the desert waiting for. Your ship to come in is a line from a Sheryl Crowe (sp) song. You know being at the wrong place at the wrong time waiting for the wrong thing...sort of deal.
Well for the longest time the question I asked myself when I found myself in that spot was “how did I get here?’
Of course, that leads to a series of reflections about all the choices you should have, would have, and could have” made. It gets me and I suspect many stuck in past mode thinking and lets us imagine the circumstances that you were in then are the same as. You are in now—which is simply not the case. You. Make decisions in the present without the benefit or curse of knowing the exact results of the decisions and all the changes the universe brings about.
So you are still in the middle of the what?
Step 1. Build a big smiley face in the. Sand so in the unlikely event someone flies over they will know someone was there and can track your. Trail away from that point if they are. Looking for you (we all have someone looking for us.). Then if you absolutely believe anywhere is better than where you are now, pick a point on the horizon and start moving toward it. Now if you come across a smile on your journey to thatplace one of two things is possible. You have walked in a circle or someone else is sharing this desert with you. Either way you have learned something. Pick another point on the horizon and start out again. If you reach that point be joyful that you have chosen to be there and by the guidanc. Of yourself and your spirit you have reached a new point. Draw another smile. Why? You’ve earned it! Eventually, you will learn to get to a place where you want to be or learn you like roaming the desert. It’s a win-win.
The difference? You will stop asking “how did I get here?” —And Start asking “why am I here right now?” The answer to thawWill be generally—because I chose to head this way from where I was instead of all the could have would have should haves.” That is a far more peaceful place. Drawing the smiles is not only a sign of accomplishment for you, but it can serve as a set of markers to others you wish to teach or help and you guessed it...that is almost always the source of some joy.
So to sum up...we all find ourselves standing in the middle of the desert from time to time. Don’t spend too much valuable time wondering how you got there. it doesn’t help us move anywhere. Start asking yourself where do I go from here and why and be happy that you have choices. Draw a lot of smiles—because they help you and others try to understand that Peace is your journey not your destination and Joy is something you share as often as something you collect like stamps or coins or money or houses or (you fill in the blank.)
Oh and if you thought today’s entry was strange...tomorrow the. Topic is “What’sthedifferendce between Meditation and Duct Tape?”
Have a terrific day and draw a smile for. Someone today....
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Your recipe for the greatest cupcakes ever and the peace and joyg
The only time we have is now. So thank you for using your time right now to read this. The only other time you have is whatever time you are privileged to have after this.
That’s it so whatever you did before now is just a lesson of a ile of gifts you can use now. If there are mistakes and regrets take them to the counter marked “lessons” and ask for a conversion kit and when you get whatever you can for your old stuff leave it there.
So you say...well. That all sounds good but it isn’t that simple. You are right it isn’t. However, it is possible with practice. Here’s how Ipractice. Whenever I think about things that went wrong (and believe me I think a lot) I ask myself “why did. I do that in the first place?” W”What was my purpose?” Usually my purpose made sense especially given the information I had then so that means I wouldn’t. Have done anything differently regardless of the results. So then I think what did I learn. The first lesson I usually come up with is my ego makes me think I have more control over the world than I do. Second, I usually conclude that I didn’t make my actions clear to the right or enough people at the time. In looking at that question I usually ask myself why I was afraid to inform or ask more people about what was going on right then? The answer is. Either. Ego or fear almost always. Now whatever I feared has already happened or. Did not happen so I put that in the. Lessons learned pile. Then all the rest of the stuff goes in the don’t need to think about it anymore dumpster. Now, have I perfected this process?—Hell no! I am working on it and it works for me.
So let’s look at the “future.” That I something that I find a bit more tricky. WhatI do there is think about. Where I am now and how I can serve the universe in a way that aligns with my purpose (do you notice something there?—LIKE MY EGO?. So the future is a dangerous. Place as you. Are inviting your ego in. The upside is that ego may be targeted at helping others and maybe more importantly helping others help themselves or helping. Others help others. By the way this is where I think most “self-help” materials falls short and. It why this blog shoots for common experiences. So that the “tribe” can share more easily.
Anyway in the. Words of Doc. Brown let’s go back to the future. I prefer to think of the future as a placeholder for my current dreams and thoughts of the future. Are simply the building blocks I need to collect to decide what happens as I am walking along the present path. The future is a bag of things I am carrying. Along with the lesssons from my past.
Now the key to seeking peace and joy is giving yourself permission to pull things out of each of those bags when you are where. You are right now and. Then putting the rest of the stuff in those bags down to pay attention to what is happening right. Now.
Given the title of this entry, it should be clear which of these bags of stuff should be filled with more things—yes the building blocks for the future of helping others. Help others. Why? Because that counterbalances your ego which is obviously a picture of who you think you should become. I think as you are gaining wisdom you figure out two things. Who you are changes automatically as you move forward, sideways, or backward and no single self-help Source can capture your beautifully complex being either physical or spiritual.
Second, if you seek peace. And joy. Rather than winning and some notion of happiness the tools of your lessons and the building blocks of your future. Will be far more useable.
Wow. This is getting deep right? So let me bring it into a real world context and in my world that means using a music or food I chooser food.
Let’s say. In the past you made cookies everyday. ?Eventually you either had everything to could. Trade your cookies for or were just really tired of making cookies. Now let’s say. You also like cake in fact right now you ant cake. What from. Your past. Could come. Handy. Well Howe about your oven? What about some flour,eggs, and sugar? Those are all things from your lessons bag that might come in handy. Now what do you need to know in the present that will get you a cake in the future? Well first you. Need the current desire to to have cake or to have cake. With others (you don’t need a whole cake) So you need to get a cake pan and some ingredients to make the cake some flavor and maybe the ingredients for frostingorsomemoney to buy the can of frosting you want. These are. All things you will use but are not presently using. However. “Seeking” these. Things can be a fun and learning experience right and finding any of them can bring you peace to know. This is someting. That will pay off. Now you have collected all the ingredients for cake and you are about to. Bake a yummy two layered chocolate cake with white icing so smooth you can almost see a reflection of. Your smiling face in it. ....and just then you find out that 16 people are expecting. To have desert? Now what? Here’s where the joy comes in. You find out more people need cake you can either get more ingredients OR. You can choose to make cupcakes!
Either. Way you are going to bring joy by having. The building blocks for cake ready to go.
Okay, I had better sum up.
- Convert. Your heavy past tolighter lessons.
- Dreamland imagine and understand that these dreams. Are. Current. Visions of possible futures that you might create.
- Collect items that give you options to build a now that matches those dreams for yourselves and others.
- When what. Was the “future” becomes the now check to see if you still want cake.”
- Smile and repeat
As you convert the past to lessons you will gain a sense of peace and as you share cupcakes you will have a sense of joy...
For today breathe and think about desert.
Tomorrow I’m. Going to talk about some of the cupcakes. I’m working on for this blog and maybe some of the other parts of the peace and joy menu... but life is short —eat desert. First!
Friday, June 21, 2019
Mary had a little lamb and some peace and joy?
Okay—I started writing today with the big idea that I was going to provide my sum total. Of wisdom about how peace and joy. And seeking it was important for coping with anxiety. However, after writing. About it for a good twenty minutes and a bad three or four, I decided “no....not today...I was getting. Too anxious. I laughed at myself.a moment but true is true so that sort of blog entry will have to wait. I will give you the short version and say more someday in the not so distant future.
- Meditate or Pray or both
- Take meds if they help but don’t. Fake it if they don’t
- Make sure you have someone you trust to tell you that your anxiety is okay or not...why because you don’t need to worry about worrying about worrying.
- Breathe slower—not just when you feel. Anxiety coming or when it’s already. Here. Breathe slower all the time. Enjoy breathing in the goodness and breathing out the tension all the time.
- Laugh at yourself and if that doesn’t work laugh at me for thinking I’m going to help. Anyone with this as we know so little about. The brain/body connections involved it’s sort of funny (not really.). But laughing feels good and everyone has. The right. To feel good sometimes (except for a few people who. I keep on a list.)
Back to Mary...
She had a little lamb—so said Mother Goose. Now who was this Mother Goose—was there. Really such a person?
Well—yes there was and she lived in the American colonies but died at the age of 92 just about 20 years before the declaration ofAmerican Independence. Yes and her name was really “goose” Elizabeth (Foster) Goose after. Marrying Mr. Goose—Idon’t remember his name right now and he didn’t claim the title Father Goose although he had 10 kids at the time of his a vows to Mother. Goose and they had six more children after that (so many children they didn’t know what to do I suppose?). Anyway, the rhymes and songs were printed for the first time around 1719 in a Boston print shop owned by a family member.
Of course MG didn’t make up all these songs and rhymes originally and history is vague on just which ones are original and which. We’re modified from. Old English drinking songs. If I had.16 kids there would. Be a lot of drinking I would imagine and who knows what rhymes might come of that?
I think one of the rhymes might have gone more like this.
Mary had a little wine
Then thwhiskey sgtarts to flow
She. Looked around for all the kids
Where they went she didn’t. Know
Then Jackand Jill went up. The hill
To fetch a pale from the old still
What happened when they reached the well?
Jack. Can’t recall and Jill won’t tell
I don’t care if Mother Goose made these things up or if she went the weird Al route. A lot of kids have learned to talk and read and had a good time acting out some of these funny and scary little pieces of culture and that’s good enough for me.
Now that’s about enough for a Friday...however I just had a wicked thought. With 16 kids and all the offspring they would eventually have there probably was eventually. A Bruce and a Lucy or maybe Bruce Goose married Lucy. That would make them Bruce and Lucy Goose...andI wonder what stories they might tell?
Oh. and one last “rhyme” for the morbidly inclined—
Mary had a rattle snake
Rolled it up into a cake
Then Little Jacck Horner Sat in the corner
To hahave hhim some Easter. Cake
He stuck in. his thumb
And thought lord I’m dumb
And that was ahis last mistake.
You see Jack was a selfishlittle squirt and it’s important to share.
So go out and share some peace and joy today!
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Thank you Thursdays
Well I know. I have done this before on a limited basis, however I suspect I don’t do it enough (no not change my socks).
So I am going to try to religiously (and if you have no religious leanings) just pretend I said. Regularly or routinely do this twice a month on —you guessed it Thursdays!
So I’m pretending this is my first ever T—Y—T post so let’s Stuart at the beginning (well not with Adam and Eve or the Big Bang—I don’t. Have all day to explain the quantum physics. Involved. Even if I did some of. You would start a big debate over the. Particle vs wave controversy and let’s not even. Get into dark matter, string theory, or the many worlds hypothesis.
Okay let’s. Get down to it
It’s my Mom’s Birthday so I’m going to start. With my parents and family. Without. Those folks my mind.probably wouldn’t have the “unique” qualities it takes for me to write this stuff. I’m not saying they agree with it so much as they provide a particular. Framework that helps me keep a very. Loose grip on sanity....but they kept me alive for all these many years. So Happy Birthday Mom and thanks to the rest of my family. If. You are a relative reading this..yes. It applies to you too—no good deed should go unpunished.
Now ..
Let’s get a little more serious.
It’s also Tom Murray’s birthday and he is an author who I talked with about. Writing. A couple times. He has this. Book “Fathers Sons & Holy Gosts of Baseball (see link below) and he used. Nearly half a lifetime to write it in honor of a place and some people he loved. Anybody. Who writes knows the. Need to finish something once it is in your blood and that’s what I have Tom to thank for.
There is also. Jane Sutter from my hometown and she has written a billion newspaper. Articles and a book about her family’s “drug store/ soda fountain”. It illustrates how a small business weaves it way through the lives of. People. And a community. Also Jane has provided me with answers to questions about. Writing. I may interview. Her for an upcoming. Blog post or two but I haven’t figured out. If it’s a blog or a podcast endeavor.
Now to some people. I have thanked. Before and will again...
Peter Leidy ( who has a curious manner about. The world and is not afraid to learn and pass his weirdos along. He also listens to my ideas—some good —some bad. He encourages my. Mindfulness Side so the more I act like a guru...well thank/blame him.
Now when it comes to the bloggers/social media/marketing folks I want to thank. First is my daughter. She’s not famous but what sy he is I’d say is inventive and courageous and willing to start a business on her. Own to make her life better. Her. Link is below and will appear on my blog fairly regularly as she is always. Putting. Some new products together for seasonal accessories or cosplay purposes.
Next there is “do. You Even Blog”. Podcaster. Pete who has provided great information both in. Personal correspondence and on his podcasts about blogging. (His link is below).
Finally for today there is Giles Jordan who has done the same for me as Pete.
Last...but absolutely. Not least has been the writing and reading communities on Twitter. You are not all angels but the support you provide each other is uplifting and deserves some. Gratitude.
Writing and living are complicated ventures. Separately and doing them together even more so.
So for now I’m going to have to wrap. This up so that I can get it posted today—otherwise the whole. “Thursday” thing doesn’t work so well.
If you want me to thank someone on this blog on some upcoming. Thursday be sure and send along a comment on this, a facebook message, or a tweet and I will do almost my best to get it included.
This is my daug
That’s my daughter Breanna The spirit of invention and style is alive and well in the next generation this is the link to do you even blog thanks Pete
That’s the link to Giles Jordan‘s podcast thank you Giles wherever you are in Western Canada right now
And happy birthday Tom here’s a link to where you can find his book
This is my daug
That’s my daughter Breanna The spirit of invention and style is alive and well in the next generation this is the link to do you even blog thanks Pete
That’s the link to Giles Jordan‘s podcast thank you Giles wherever you are in Western Canada right now
And happy birthday Tom here’s a link to where you can find his book
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Chase the blues away with peace and joy
So yesterday around 2 my time (as if I own a time lol) Idecided to run up our small hill of a driveway to get the garbage can. Given the forecast and how the weather seemed around sun up I didn’t. Expect what I found when I strolled out in my classic black hoodie. Now I have had this hoodie for 15 years and I hope to have it a few more... I guess it is one of those things that own me more than I own it.
Okay let’s get down to it.
The day is freaking spectacular!! Almost no breeze and the sun is shining brightly. All of the sudden I’m feeling a rush of joy and peace and lo and behold my mind kicks into gear with the following set of lyrics. For those of you not familiar with the flawed yet marvelous creative mind...this is the crap that happens.....
Anyway here are the words that came bubbling out and the video is below. Enjoy
Chasing the Blues. Away
The breeze it is light and
The sun it is shining
There’s no one around that. I can hear whining
These are the days that chase the blues away
There’s kids flying kites. And there’s kids blowing bubbles
Makes me forget nearly all of my troubles
And makes me. Forget that there is any other way
Than how f I can seek peace and joy every day
These are the days that chase all the blues away
I’m going to get my. Guitar and sit out in the sun
And I really don’t care if. My work’s not all done
I’m going to sing. Every song I ever learned how to play
Because these are the days that chase the blues. Away
I’m gonnna grab my guitar and sit out in the sun
I don’t really care. If my work gets all done
I’m gonna sing every song I know how to play
And these are the days, these are the days, these are the days that chase the blues away
And here’s a link to some products that will chase your blues away from one of my very first and new sponsors take a look great products for summer
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