Sunday, February 16, 2020

“Belated Birthday Building Blocks


Yesterday  marked the birthdays of  three important people.  The guy who wrote  “over the Rainbow” and Life’s only a paper moon —something. Arlin I think although I read that wasn’t  his real name Zimmerman.  He was maybe only the third most significant. Person. Born on that day... second and first are probably a tie for many and that’s an argument I don’t want to have, however, in seeking peace and joy I’ve found some people  like to run fast to the opposite corner and scream at almost any idea.  

The other two  people are Susan B. Anthony and Galileo.  Anthony, of course was. A leader in the women’s rights movement and the movement for  having little coin dollars that people  mistook for quarters.  To that  I say come on US mints and treasury what kind of discounted respect were you thinking about in that design?  That was an insult to all the hard work done by people seeking civil rights for so long and would be the same as putting a mustache on Washington and printing a paper half dollar.  Anyway Susan B. Was a driving force and women now share the blame for electing some of the people we have in office.  
then there is Galileo .  Now  he had a last name...but you’ve  got to respect a scientist who was known by a single name.  That means he was the  Cher, Madonna, or Prince of his time.  Here’s a guy that  pretty much invented the telescope so that he could  see heavenly objects or some cute Italian  chicks  a few blocks to the contrary Galileo who was prosecuted by the church held fast to his religious.belief even though he was hauled up before the board of inquisition where he didn’t party like it was. 1999.  basically Anthony had a vision of a more equal society and Galileo made sure we could  have a clearer view of our cosmic sircumstance including. The fact that. We were not the center of the universe.  Both of these people were awesome.

So what does this have to. Do with “building” blocks?  These people  were there to lay the foundation for so much to follow and offered the ‘building blocks”  for many to follow.  If they can undertake these. Tasks then I can keep my promise to toss out a rhyme or a song lyric to be.  So with no further or prior. Ado... Enjoy... I’ll give you the story behind. These when  the blocks all fall together.  For now I end with. The building blocks below....have a great day

Block One Galileo winked and told the Pope
We’re the center? I’d. Say Nope
Please don’t  hang me from a rope
I’ll show you my telescope

There was the warrior. Susan  B.
Until all vote, none can be free
At last  enough men said  I agree
Came one more stride towards liberty

When will we learn to grasp new things
Accept what soulful wisdom brings
Hear the  bird of peace each time it sings 
Dawn our fragile halo and junkyard wings?


More soon

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