Sunday, April 12, 2020

HOPping into persistence

“HOP”PING  into  Hope

So  the last few days have  covered—

H—-Hard work
O—— Optimism and now 

If we just stopped here on Easter the acronym would be “hop” and somehow  the universe.made that work out for another one of our “legendary” holiday characters.  So in honor of this—before I launch into persistence—a few. Fun facts about  said. Bunny are in order.  

It is said  that the Easter Bunny was. A German tradition that first crossed over into the United States in the 1700s with the oldest reports of stories. About the bunny ranging back to the 1680s in Germany.  Seriously, I believe the holiday is rumored to reflect some rite of Spring but I can’t help but think after. The first years of  using real eggs some mafia  dentists gathered together at Big Dinos  and said let’s bring in candy to make some green on the side.  But of course there was  some disagreement  among the five major syndicates  so they had to parlay  for some time when they came up with a solution.  Kids and parents wouldn’t like going to the dentist so much...but if we  got the “tooth fairy” consp[iracy going we could buy off the kids a for some pocket change.  

Okay may not have happened exactly  like that, however. Here are some things that the data show to be true.  

Americans spend about 1.9 Billion on Easter Candy each. Year.  Over. 70% of this  cash is spent on chocolate.  In that category, about. 90 million chocolate bunnies are sold and while we can’t agree on much in our  country a whopping  76% of citizens agree that the proper way to eat a bunny is ears first.  
While it has  not been studied scientifically, green shredded  “Easter Grass”.is now replacing  Tinsel as the number one holiday substance you can still find in your furniture or vacuum far into the Summer.

Well it’s time to take the leap (or at least a small hop)  from that fun to PERSISTENCE as the third component of “HOPE.” 

Hard work is a critical. Part of hope otherwise all you have is a wish.  Optimism means  creating and believing  in options so that choices guide  the emotions and actions you choose.  Not there is “persistence.”  
In the context of hope persistence is  a concerted  effort towards changing. A state or achieving an experience.  At the end of this post there is a  link that has been featured a couple of times and needs to be  clicked if you haven’t done so.  It’s a story about John and his father Tom who are dedicated to the intention of completing  the Boston Marathon.  You see John is now a “cancer survivor” and if he had  not persisted after his treatments, there is no way he would be preparing to run and raising. Money for a good. Cause as a result.  John does all the running, however because.Tpom and John. Understand hard work and optimism (the belief in maximizing. Options)they chose to continue training  for this marathon in spite of some significant  barriers including uncertain health and  the COVID situation.  I like to think persistence as moving toward something incrementally while stubbornness (often confused with persistence) is a refusal to change due to  weanting the status quo or more often the fear of. Change.  To persist is to claw forward while to be.stubborn is to hold on or even reach backwards to remain comfortable or in power/control.  Persistence is an active  action that you can practice in lots of ways.  For example you can shoot free throws until you get better.  You can practice a musical instrument unti you get. Faster.  You can bake desserts  until people are clammbering  for them (remember that even Betty Crocker. Burns a cake now and then).   
If  persistence. Doesn’t get. You there  well the answer is. Coming in the next  blog.  You can persist and if you are wondering  if things will ever change it might be time to move to the k”E” stage again.  

However, I have persisted in sharing my ideas enough for one fine Easter.  
Have an eggs-Ellen’s  Day. 

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