So as light came in the basement window my mind reset. It is Monday now. It is nearly the end of June—-the end of June? Are you kidding me???2020 has been the strangest year for me and many others It is as if w hit the leap year and decided. To leap as a country and as a planet jumped right into some bizarre. Alternate universe. of the reasons it seems that way is that the world isn’t offering up all our long-standing routines. Our road has a few more bumps. Our circus is missing a clown or two. Our picnic seems to be short of a sandwich—you get the point. That stream of thought rolled me into “What routines do I still follow and have I followed and which have slipped away mostly without notice? One of my routines is reading a few other blogs and listening to a few podcasts. Sometimes things from these sources find their way into the cognitive stew otherwise known as my thought processes. Yesterday’s blog by Seth Godin brought. About one of these mental meanderings. Seth’s Blog (inventively title Seth’s Blog BTW) featured some thoughts about the moons in our solar system. More on this below.
So back to the routine and adding in the moon...
One of my routines was nearly nightly finding the moon and gazing at it. Why? You see the moon shines down in the night and can provide light. Here, however is the thing about moonshine. No not the kind that comes in canning jars and can strip the paint off. A battleship—the reflected light of the sun. Let’s a think about that for a minute. The moon has no light of it’s own and yet by reflectubg the light of the sun it becomes a dominant. Body in the heavens. How many songs have been written including the moon? Bas Moon Risin’—Fly me to the Moon—Dancing in the Moonlight—It’s only a paper moon..and of course there is a the classic Pink Floyd album Darkside of the Moon. The lesson here is that the moon isn’t the moon at all unless it reflects the glory of another in this case the sun.
I looked at the moon to imagine that it was the same moon my friends and my family could stare at giving. Me something instantly in common with their dplace and with their days. I looked at the moon knowing it influences how fast the world turns, the way the ocean behaves and seemingly the behaviors of those experiencing a full moon.
So even from a distance you can make a difference. You don’t have to make sure the world sees your light as long as you make sure the world sees the brightness of others. Serving as a connection between others is a worthwhile pursuit.
But that’s not all and here’s where Seth’s blog comes in.
our moon, while almost magical to us, is not the only moon in the sky. We think of it as the only moon almost all the time yet there are about ????moons in our solar system alone? About 200 and we only have one of them? Come on Earth you are a planetary underachiever. The point Seth makes and I’m repeating here is that we often. Think there is only one moon or that other planets only have one moon because. Of our tendency to see the whole universe from our standpoint and we tend to believe what is locally true is probably universally true. From now. On I’m going to adopt a Multi-moon sky. How hard will that be? I don’t know but in today’s world it seems seeking multiperspective solutions is. Worth a shot so I’ll try to enhance my abilities by howling at the moon. It’s not time to think locally and maybe not even globally—maybe it’s time to think galacticly?
So for me seeking peace and joy is to resume staring at the moon and imagining global was to enhance the planet and each other.