Sunday, June 28, 2020

A “New normal” may Who require a new map


How can that be?  Isn’t somebody usually right and somebody wrong or at least less right?  Aren’t things a little true  at least for a while?  didn’t the Greeks and the Egyptians, the Mings, and the Zulu all have  a working model of the universe?  Of course...was it correct?  History may say no, however why be so quick to judge?  

You see it seems that the answers about the ways of the world folks have to offer usually revolve around the answers or solutions the people of that day seem to value.  This brings  this post around to the point of departure.  It appears to many that the old solutions. And answers that we have built our systems and societies around are having a pretty hard time functioning these days.  So we are. Beginning. With some he3sitation to  look for new ideas and new answers and new systems.  this is hard work for some and it is not wanted work for some others.  Many, if not most folks are pretty anxious that the new systems, solutions, and actions will not produce the security that has shattered of late.  Others are screaming bring on the changes—we are past ready—we can promote the change, however,failure to change is not an option.  

well captain obvious (that’s me) get to  the he3art of this—okay?  Okay.  

Well here are a couple of quotes I’d like to have the reader ponder...

If you don’t know where you are going ...any map will do.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it an elephant.

So any map....

People  are screaming for new answers to equal rights, physical health, government/leadership, and global environment control.  Because the solutions  or facts that we have functioned ok for a while for many we by nature assume we will get more  distance or new distance by different solutions to the same old questions.  

So take for example the solution “all people are create3d equally.”  We want solutions that reflect that “truth” or that question—are all people created equally?”   We can look at housing, education, slavery,and so many things and say with some confident certain people may be getting the  short end of the stick.  All that is true, however instead of asking how can we make things e3qual maybe we  could ask a new question.  Maybe  we could ask-why do we look at physical differences to find the answer to the question —why do people behave  uniquely or different from me?  I’m pretty sure that someone having curly hair doesn’t determine how tall they might be or how well they can write or drive a bulldozer.  It would be ridiculous. To let someone  practice medicine because  their middle toe was longer than their big toe.... right?  so what in the world does skin color have to do with  anything?  What do physical body differences have to do with almost. Anything?  Ihazzard a guess that if we keep assigning  status based on outward aspects of people we are never going to  get to equality or caring or compassion or what’s worse we are not going to a place where we expect and support a notion that every person has the the right AND THE RESPONSIBILITY  to maximize their strengths and to contribute to the efforts of others working to do so.  If we ask how do we make different people the same?—we aren’t going to get  to any new places on the spiritual/economic/knowledge  journey—we will just keep buying overpriced tickets for the merry-go-round.  

Getting off the merry-go round isn’t a. Matter of getting different  answers, different solutions—it’s having the courage to ask different questions and to be honest while answering them.  The Greeks and Romans asked how does the sun move across the sky and a mythical god in a chariot was a sufficient answer—it worked for them.  So in these days who is willing to seek new seeds that will grow different fruits?  Do we really expect the. Same old seeds to grow  new fruit?  Well that’s the definition of insanity isn’t it?  Only new questions can produce new answers... Old problems are old problems because. We ask old questions trying to solve them and don’t revisit those questions nearly. Often enough.  Up until  a couple hundred. Years ago physical differences mighgt have made some difference and up until a hundred years ago or so most of us hauled a Sears catalog or last year’s phone book outside to a hole in the ground with a little shack built over it to perform  a constitutional (the polite term for take a crap).  

You see people  decided they didn’t want to walk around with little pars of an ad for craftsman hammers  stuck to their upper thigh when they headed off for Sunday services.  We can expect richer experiences and we can  work together to make them happen.

You can lead a Horse to Water...

If I have a horse and I lead it. To water...and it walk away from the water as an elephant.  Yet so many hold the fear that if they change  and others we them change they will somehow not be who or what they  should be or want to be.  Well if someone’s nature is to be a worrier telling them not worry is not likely to work.  In fact in the history of worrying telling someone not to worry has only worked threetimes.  I could have said it has never. Worked but since I don’t worry much my knowledge is not universal.  the point here is....if we work at maximizing each person’s strengths then we don’t need to worry at all about  a horse becoming an elephant and when it comes to seeking peace and joy ourselves we need that change will take us to the “wrong” place.  As long as you have a breath you can stay on the journey of becoming...and no matter what else others ask of you...that’s the only thing you owe. Yourself and  everyone else.  Doing. This pretty much  provides the  reason for changing the questions when different. Solutions are called for.

So to sum this whole  big  entry up it becomes simple in the the end.

D1. If you seek different destinations find different maps and use different vehicles.   And 

2. Act with faith in yourself everyday and  know that if you were meant to be a horse you will be one and if you have a really long  neck and spots  then at the end of the day you are meant to be the best darn giraffe the world has ever seen.  

Thanks for reading... peace and joy on a sticky Sunday morning.  

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