Sunday, January 13, 2019

Top 10 ideas for healthy peace and joy breakfast

So... I don’t know if there ten ideas here— it is the ideas you get from reading or listening that count.$

Top 10 Healthy Breakfast Choices for gaining Peace and Joy

This morning as I took the sixth bite of my “Homey Crunches of Oats” — 
I use the quotation marks  because I am not sue if they are the originals or my particular local store’s generic (which is the same stuff(, I started to notice that I wasn’t even really tasting it anymore.  Instead, as I probably always do, I was calculating how many bites I had left in comparison to how much milk was in the bowl and how many spoonfuls I would need to eat before the big choice.  Oh some of you know what I’m talking about.  Do you try to spoon the rest out or wait until no one is looking and tilt the bowl and drink it down?  

anyway, back to my topic about “healthy peace and joy choices.”  I am lucky in that we often have many choices when it comes to cereal.  

Ok here is my research  which is why some of you came here.—what’s  good for you?

cheerios are by far the most popular  “healthy” option.  They  might not be that healthy but they have the best reputation for being so and if the internet says it in three places then it is true according to  three places that  it says that on the internet.  Why?  Whole grain is the “reason” they will give you.  I’m not buying that.  Look at the facts.  this stuff is not  healthy for its ingredients  at all—it is the workout kids get eating the stuff.  For little kids Cheerios roll around on the table or the mat on the floor and the little tots have to develop  hand-eye coordination to grast the little wheels.  Speaking of that, this ereal is the shape of tires and rings and ear rings.  they promote gender equality right?  Socially responsible and healthy right  there!  also, they are about the same with or without milk and they stay “crisp” in in milk for about  an hour.  Then they don’t get soggier after that at all.   Thousands of years from now when some archeologists unearth a bowl of half-eaten Cheerios, they are going to say “look at these….how did they stay so preserved”  Anyway,  Cheerios are good and they have enough  sort of modified varieties now like “honey nut” and some others.  I am seeing this term “honey-nut” a lot lately.  Now I’m a fan of the parts- but not the term.  If there is “honey in something and it is  not over processed that is cool.   I like nuts or most kinds too, however, they can  really mess up some folks so  let’s be creful not  to automatically put them in the healthy camp. 

Speaking of  nuts… I’m not sure there  are grapes or  nuts in “Grape Nuts cereal and Raisin Bran  has a lot of sugar content  even  before  you put the three extra scoops of sugar  in it. 

Back to my list.  Total is good.  Special K is Special ….and if you like the taste of any of these…eat them.  You will feel better than if you go hungry in the morning.

Now What  Not To Eat (physical health-wise which I’m not sure is a word spelling-wise)All the Cap’n Crunches are not the same as doing “crunches” the exercise.  They taste good and have plenty of sugar just in case your kids need to be all hopped up for st something in the morning first  thing.  Will they fall asleep during  math  or reading in second period?  Well sure but we have  Siri and “hey Google” for that kind of stuff now.   So maybe  for the sake of  our  schools and the other students save that for the weekend.  

Now let’s not get too  picky about Lucky Charms. I don’t  want to get  criticized  here but I’ve been to my share of graduation ceremonies.  I  have never seen a leleprachon with a cap  and  gown in any of the health professions.  They do have little balls of sugar shaped like the symbols  on playing cards. That could  be a  good choice if training your kids to hang out in Vegas.

To wrap up…. First….be thankful that you have anything to eat  for breakfast any day you have it.  Second, remember that no matter what you eat you are likely to eat again today and you can adjust accordingly.  If not, there’s tomorrow.  If you need to use your cereal choice to get you healthy go to your local super store and start at one end of the cereal boxes and walk  to the other end—turn around and walk back ten times.  That is  about  as healthy as cereal  can help you be.

By the way my favorite is Frosted Flakes….because a cartoon tiger that also sang  “Mr. Grinch”  in the original version can’t be wrong.  Of course they”re Great!!!

The moral of this whole story is …. you should  pay some attention to what  you put into  your body and what comes out of it… but  pay more attention to how you  use it.  No tiger, tropical bird, silly rabbit, or sugar bear can put  a valuable spirit into  your life for you to  share with others…but you can.  Eat a little  of what makes you smile and go share it today.  
Warning —  Long post plus long video but it’s the weekend so enjoy 

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