Well to sum up so far (like in the previous entry) Fear gets a bad rap when it comes to most the self-help folks. It seems like fear is saomehow a fault or a weakness. Horse-hockey I’s normal and helpful and often a signal that it’s time to reflect and change. Besides, the argument that. Happiness or success comes after or because. You will face. Your fear seems pretty odd given it sets up a classic “if/then” sequence. Or. A you’ll get x when y plot line. You. Become afraid. In unclear circumstances when your perceived control is shaken and possible. Futures don’t seem to match up with current values. This Happy after facing fears set up flies in the face of the argument that the path to happiness or that feeling is is felt within and in the preasent.
Okay let’s start know at the place where being afraid is not. A fault and you can recognize when you are afraid. Let’s add in the element. Of being. Able to ask yourself a few questions (see questions from yesterday) to identify just where you stand. Next...what comes next?
Well...going back to yesterday (or whenever you may have. read the previous entry)....What fears do you try to face on on your own?
Trick question.....easy answer.... and the answer will be a question.
Do you think you are the only one who has. had this fear you are dealing with? Are you the only one involved in the circumstances of your fear right now? Will how you act possibly impact the experiences of others now or in the future? Will someone else being able to learn from your fear eventually help them? You see it’s not that hard. If you don’t. seek help you are likely cheating yourself and a bunch of other people too..... but if you think the answer lies in a cold dark lonely place go ahead and look there. We’ve been sold the concept. of the Lone Ranger, the lonesome gunslinger,the true hero...what a load of garbage.
Try not towait till you feel comfortable with. sharing your fear—-IT’S FEAR! you aren’t goping to becomfortablewithit—Do you hear me now.
Alright...Iknow I usually don’t getthis directive or preachy...but I have suffered the illusion that I was alone with a number of fears and nearly every time I have realized that this is not the case and that a lot of folks were there to help me or help themselves by helping me....just saying.
We have fear. to inform us not to hurt us.
So what. this couple of days boils down to is this...
Try. not to buy into the “If then or I’ll be happy/successful”. logic that often getsconnected with fear. Find a bunch of resources by undersatanding that fear is a close cousin of stress, anxiety, or pain, but the folks who write about them are afraid of saying that life. gets rather scary sometimes....they want to sya “I’m cool....I’ve got this.”
Finally, as long as you own. your response to fear get off your backside and try to help others with your fear and thereby help yourself.
Ask the questions that help you seek a few. answers and then have confident that working together. it won’t matter which way. you go to unstuck, you and your army will turn that decision into something positive.
Finally remember you can have a lot of the answers nearly all of them, unfortunately. a wise. person also knows they won’t always know all the questions.
One last entry about this tomorrow or the next day. Oak is