Monday, August 19, 2019

Finding a balance between the digital and physical world well maybe?


Sometimes I float.  The  previous couple of. Posts have been  related to finding. A comfortable  balance between the actual physical world. And the high tech digital world.  Part of. Me wants to say let’s draw a line so that we don’t lose the experiences of my youth that  led to so much growth and learning.  Oh and a lot. Of fun (some of which was. Healthy and some of which was  even legal).

Then I bounced forward to “now” and realized that I enjoy the technology that allows me to create and share ideas with people a long way from here.  I feel the joy of sending a photo or  putting out a blog to  a possible audience of  hundreds and saying “here’s what  this experience means to me....what does it mean to you?’  

So Isat down a few days ago to write this and found I needed to let a few ideas float around in my mind for a couple more days.  

For example, we’ve all seen  two or more people sitting together with  smart phones out  either texting. Each other from a couple feet away or texting people  who aren’t there when there is a person to talk to right in front of you.  My first. Instinct was to be a little annoyed by that and then I reconsidered.  Why?

Well let’s. Crawl in to a time machine and. Imagine it’s. About 15 years ago maybe 20 and you walked. In front of a group of  kindergarten parents and told them.  By the time  your child graduates our school will get them to voluntarily write a couple of hundred statements or questions a day, develop an efficient  new abbreviation system for most common phrases, and create a fairly complex symbolic language to express emotions and express their identities.  Any number of these parents would  have looked at  you like you were flipping  nuts... Yet today youth and parents alike write thousands of words in hundreds  of texts and use emoji symbols very effectively  and frequently to send messages a few feet and around the world in seconds.  Testers have created  shared meaning and no one had to tell them these are the  requirements and no one had to say you will  need to write more than your parents ever have.  No one said you will produce more video tutorials and other presentations per year than all people have created in recorded history to this point combined before you graduate.  Yet it has been done and it will continue  to be done and all I can do is keep SMH and LOL.  

On the other hand show me the text that feels like a hug, smells like fresh bread coming out  of the oven, or shakes your body like the drums of a marching band—or a rock band for that matter.  

So what am Isaying here?  What conclusions have Ireached?  Well ...if anything it’s  not about how we interact with the world and each other as much as it is about why?  We’ve developed much of the digital world to reach out to places we can’t physically be. And sometimes that’s inside ourselves.  However it seems like the connection tools we need  are  a lot like light bulbs.  If we don’t have lot’s of kinds and sizes  there are going to be  lot’s of  places that remain in the dark.  

Mostly. It seems we have built digital spaces to. Change things on the one hand and to react to change on the other.  For me finding peace and joy means finding a balance of experiences and ways of. Expressing their meanings internally and externally.  Is there a magic formula for  keeping this balance...there probably is...or there might be and I might be able to make toast by throwing  bread at lightning.  

Each of us will have various skills. In using all the tools to gain and share  meaning from our  existence here.  If. The ones  you have don’t work right now learn some more or create some that let you find your glow and share it

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