Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mindfulness madness marketing and peace and joy


Welcome back for third installment of my own “hitchhiker’s  Guide to the. Galaxy” of books that  have influenced my resources  for seeking peace and joy.  My journey with books has been a  very long and fruitful one, and Ifigure it will continue on, even though there are days when  I wish i would have learned a bit more about. “The  Art of  Motorcycle  Maintenance” to make the trip smoother.  
In the end, the more time I spend thinking, the more books compete for the last couple of reviews/comments.  

That being  statedI’m going to  highlight a couple works today that are good going solo and in my mind represent some  categories of  books that I have  explored in recent years.  

Wow... given how hot this  general concept has been. Lately it would have been  pretty difficult to wonder through much of a book selection without paying attention to, becoming aware of so to speak, a few books on mindfulness, neuroscience, and self-help.  Yes, I’m saying there is a mind-boggling mountain of mindfulness manifestos out there.  In fact Wherever You Go There You Are” able to find another  interesting  book.  So which  hit me with the most  force?  Well... several have provided insights on meditation. (Or prayer), yet in terms of actionable mindfulness to make a change I’m going a bit off the. Beaten path and highlighting  “make Your Bed” by William Harry  McRaven.  Why?  This book reminds me to focus on some of the little things every day and in the here and now.  It promotes mastery of some tasks and persistence.  The key principle of  taking personal responsibility for  yourself and making change that might help  others winds  throughout.  For. Me, it pretty much sums  up the ideas of paying attention to actual things and  being aware of things around you in such a way that you may impact the world in the current  time if you do that.  
Many purists would  claim that the book really isn’t the best example, however, I’mnot arguing that I’m a purist, nor. Are those people. Writing this—so ....  You can choose your own gurus.  In fact, I would argue you must do that after listening carefully with your soul.    That’s just me.  

In terms of seeking. Peace and joy this whole mindfulness   Category screams “pay attention to the gifts and challenges at hand.”  This book helps  me do that and it opens a space for peace and joy to become evident for me.  It’s time to move ahead...but before you read. More— breathe in and breathe out.


If there’s  one thing that’s hotter than  mindfulness—it’s marketing.   People  look to make more LinkedIn connections, have more facebook friends, more twitter followers, and and while the platforms change it is evident that social media  opportunities has changed. The way we  functionally get out our message to people close and far.  The book argues  “if you want  to make things better you have to make better things’—which to me means “try to do something of significant value and difference in relation to what’s in the public space now.  Godin argues that  each of us  can  make a unique contribution to the  market/world and it is. Our responsibility to go out and find the least number of people to make up our “tribe.”  If we want to give people  choices, we need to reach out to them and we have to find the parts of our. Message that will impact them in such a way that. They will work with us to bring about  changes.  In reading this it became evident. That  the expectation is on us to  share ideas and find the tribe, but then to  support the tribe as they promote what is now  your (and their) common choice.  
In short, this book promotes. The notions of being unique because you have gifts. That.  Enable you to be so.  It encourages the reader to infuse others with  a message or. With an action they already  want (to some degree). And argues that  this is really. The best way to  find  a collective  purpose.  I don’t apply it to. “Sellling”  so much as connecting and amplifying  ideas among peers.  It’s not about learning. Everything, but learning. A lot really well so that. You can share that.  Peace and joy are inner concepts, however they  often  happen in the context of a group and that is why the book has had an impact.

So today I offer books about being aware and unique.  The books are about becoming one with  yourself, your actions, and doing so in service to your purpose and those purposes you currently or hope to share with others.  Tomorrow I’ll offer one more book and  then I’ll turn the page on this topic for now.  

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